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  1. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    Hello all, Today is officially the day 20 since I planted my germinated seed (JD Easy Ryder) into 50/50 coco perlite soil. And, as you can see in the pics, my plant is rather small, and it's difficult to see the main stem. I have compared week 3 growth progress with other members' Easy Ryder...
  2. P

    Burnt leaf edges at such early age?

    Hi guys, I have started seeing burnt leaf edges since about a day or so. It had not have this problem until now (This is week 2 since plantation of the germinated seeds), so I am not sure what this is about. The temp has kept near 75F and humidity has been normal. I have watered it every 4...
  3. P

    Am I using enough lighting on my babies?

    Hello everyone! This is my first time growing, and I wanted to know if I have a good setup for my JD Easyryder babies! :-P Currently, I am using 2 x 2400K (27W) CFLs and 2 x 6500 (27W) CFLs. I am also using an LED bar that I got from my buddy (I am not sure how many W this has, but it is...
  4. P

    My baby is sick...Please help :(

    Hello everyone, This is my first time growing, and I am going through a tough time. First picture is my younger child (JD Easyryder FM) and the second is the older child (1 day older) of the same strain. I have noticed yellowing leaves on my younger child since yesterday. It is planted in...