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  1. dnugs

    Small holes on only ONE leaf? wtf?

    Hey, I got holes on only one new leaf of one of my indoors. no signs of bugs other than a couple of fruit flies I've seen. and its only on ONE new leaf on my veggin baby? wtf? anyone got an idea?... Holes are not exact same size. will post pics if I can.
  2. dnugs

    leaf yellowing?

    Would yellowing on young leaves, more towards stem, and not the tips, be an indication of nitrogen deficiency? Isn't it true I want a nice deep solid green through out the entire leaf? bongsmilie
  3. dnugs

    foliar feeding?

    Been doing some reading and apparently theres a long lost art of foliar feeding? would MG 20-20-20 EXTREMELY diluted feed work on little girls? Ive been told that you can foliar feed seedlings. as long as its very very weak nutes. Any advice?
  4. dnugs

    Is it just me... Or do these stems look tiny and weak...

    Maybe im just paranoid haha, Leaves are about 1 inch or bigger stems are 3 inches very thin and not strong... I hope the bulk up...:-?
  5. dnugs

    New to forums

    How do I get rid of that word Stranger? I'm not a stranger. Just new to forums. :cry:
  6. dnugs

    Am I screwed?

    Hey, I started my grow with my light to far away. I now have 5-6 inch skiny stems and their leaves are just starting to grow. day 3 into it I moved my light much closer. It now just looks like there going to be very top heavy and will not support the weight. I know not to stake them yet to let...
  7. dnugs

    Help please, nute question. Expirenced growers, I would appreciate your help.

    Hey, I am currently 5 days into my veg, I have 4 seedlings ranging from 4-6 inches. My first real leaves are prominent. I have miracle grow nutes, 20-20-20. I don't know when to use it. Could anyone help? Thank you- :joint:
  8. dnugs

    Tiny little flies, that look like fruit flies?! HELP!!

    Hi, I'm a few days into a small closet grow and have noticed tiny small flies that look like fruit flies. I don't think I see any damage to my babies, Just wondering if anyone knew what they were, if they are harmful, and how to get rid of them. Thank you- :joint: