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    salvia questions

    I just purchased a salvia plant from my local wal mart and i was woundering if there was any way to see how strong it is. i never smoked salvia so im kinda hesitent about it and unsure if any body has any information or tips please post
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    vaporizer cheap

    hey i was just woundering if anyone has seen or heard of this product and how well it works i know the saying you get wat u pay. hopfully that doesnt apply here lol its 7.99 pluss 7$ shipping Be nice to your lungs, vaporize today! The CheapVaporizer is a simple solution to protect...
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    drug test help

    sorry that i am posting another thread about this but i cant find some1 with the same problem its just a job test so its not watched but i really dont wanna use some else pee and i have about 5 days or so till the test i smoke everyday for the pass 6 months and about a week ago i stopped for...
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    enough light for 1 plant?

    im trying to grow just one plant inside under cfls, is 1 48 wat (= to 120 wat) and 1 23 wat cfl enough light my box is 25x20 if not wat do you recomend me adding to the light only cfls and i have major heat issues so keep that in mind thanks:joint:
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    heat attack :(

    i planted yesterday and got them to sprout they were around like 5 hours old and then i left cameback next day and it was 110 deegrees and the sprouts were leaned over looking lifeless i heard of people reviving them so i watered and fixed teh ventalation and now the temp is 80 deegress do u...
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    tempertaure reduction idea...

    ok bare with me i think i have an idea to get my tempeture down in the box but heres the setup: 25x20x20 i turn my lights on and the tempeture gets up to 100 deegrees i have cut a square out for some ventalation id say its about 12' the temp droped to about 90 i have 2 pc fans on the rim of the...
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    dirty south bagseed grow

    sorta of an experiment i know what im doing with this grow im open to opions and suggestions just try not to make fun of the setup to much :blsmoke: anyways heres the deal: have about 15 seeds germinating for about a week 5 have tails 4 of which tails were at least 1/4 long so i planted them the...
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    Stealth grow only 17' worth it?

    im about to start a stealth grow the biggest the plant can get is 17 inches is that even worth the time and effort need ur input!
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    Growing in ur backyard?

    im new to growing outdoors and i was just woundering y isnt anybody growing in there backyard for like a small grow? or will the police bust ur project once they get big? please respond
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    florida time?? and some help

    wat is the best time to be planting seeds to grow in the florida area also how long until bud starts coming in? only grew 1 time inside and didnt work to good:cry: please help me out
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    sorry if its posted some where else but if some1 can please list from nick to oz. the weight in grams and price u would usaully pay also some1 please explain 1/4 and 1/8 is 1/4 a quarter or is 1/8 a quarter lol
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    wtf everything bad has to happen to me help me (pics)

    ok so my plant was doing fine then i come home from work today and my leaves are droppy and a new leave came in and its all yellow and curled up !!!! idk wat is wrong i looked on this site for hours see if some1 has a simialer problem of course not lol please help me there about roughly 33days...
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    just a theory..worms?

    im growing inside im about 2 weeks into it and there wounderful i was just thinking is it possible to put a worm into my pots? if i put some eggshells and coffe into it or will the worms die from some other reason please put ur info in im extremely curious about this
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    grinded up coffee beans as nutrients?!

    is this possible if so wat is it numbers (ex. 0-0-0) coffee threw the grinder used to make coffe the excess beans all wet let dry and put them ontop of the soil ? im woundering if any1 has done this or heard of this
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    plants limpy

    i cant really take a pic and show u because u cant really see it it just sprouted it comes up a lil and then straight down and the team is really flopy please help me out!
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    just sprouted nd wont stand up....

    please help 2 of my plants just sprouted one is doing good the other sprouted last night its been 2 days since i planted and it sprouted its about 2/8 long and it goes up then just folds over and i dont know wats wrong please help im not giveing it no nutrients right now just water and 18/24 light
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    will my light caz a fire?what about water?

    i have a 27 watt bulb in a speaker box that i made very little ventalation the box is about 3'5 x 1'5 plywood there duck tape and calk on the corners so light cant get out if i leave it on will it catch on fire? also how much do i water the plants i just planted them and im using potting soil ?
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    which way do i plant the seed?!

    im sorry if this is posted somewhere else but i cant find anything which way do i plant my seed i germenated it in water and there is a white tail coming out do i plant the white tail facing into the soil or do i have the tail sticking out of the soil please help