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  1. SuperLeb

    Advanced Nutes EC Help!!

    Right...:finger: Had a bit of a nightmare recently - over feeding: I want to get it right next time so popped down me shop and purchased an EC reader. Now then.... Im currently using AN Sensi A+B, Big Bud and B52 as stated for week 6 in the AN Nutrient Calculator for a 10 week flower for...
  2. SuperLeb

    Coolshades - Talk to me!?

    Beef Beef Beef....:o Treated myself to some coolshades with this random weather we're having at the mo.... set them up fine - but when i did so the relfector "f-ing" things imo didnt seem to fit that well and tended to only just hold-on and scratch the glass.... anyways... Just been in there...
  3. SuperLeb


    .....MAN ALIVE!!!!! Does anyone one know where i can buy High Times Magazine in England???? I'll rep you if i get a copy lol Super LEB. :shock:
  4. SuperLeb

    Little Mother

    Hi Guys... Just a couple of q's.... Does anyone know if you can chop a mother in half and it will survive? I only have 1.2m of height you see and getting concerned that shes getting close to the top of my box. Can anyone offer advise on keeping mums small? Thanks, LEB
  5. SuperLeb

    ** mythbusters **

    :-D:-D:-D:-D Hello... This is thread started to discuss growing MYTHS and if you tried them and they work let us know.. The first Myth Id like to get amoungst is.... Instead of flushing - can you just add a CAP full of undialuted orange cordial to water? The man in my grow shop rekons it...
  6. SuperLeb

    Harvest.....48 hrs of Darkness?

    :roll: Bumped in two one of my old mates yesterday and he said he was leaving the light off for 48hrs before he harvests.... not heard that one before? Has anyone else tried this? any good? LEB
  7. SuperLeb

    Big Plants - Big Yield?

    Hey... Just wondering if some one can answer my question fairly new to this.... My seeds said 50-60cm indoors and some of mine are nearly 120cm three weeks into flowering? Have I done something wrong? And one more.... Does a bigger plant generally mean more yield? :roll: Thanks in advance...
  8. SuperLeb

    Follow My Grow, First Time.... Barney's Farm / LSD.

    Follow my grow Journal - Please feel free to comment or help! :leaf:
  9. SuperLeb

    Boost Or Not To Boost?

    Hello.... Er first time is underway alot lot better than i could ever imagine.. Im following the canna coco grow guide and Im in flowering and using 4ml per ltr of Boost Accelerator every mix. My question is: Boost Accelarator is more expensive than champayne... is it really worth it? :idea...
  10. SuperLeb

    Not enough coco!

    Hello... Been enjoying all your posts.... I'm a newbie to growing, but as i love smoking and decided to get amoungst it! Currently growing two LSD from Barneys Farm. My mate lent me a little coca to "get my self going" - up until now all has been well. Ive just transfered them into 10l...
  11. SuperLeb

    Not enough coco!

    Hello... Been enjoying all your posts.... I'm a newbie to growing, but as i love smoking and decided to get amoungst it! Currently growing two LSD from Barneys Farm. My mate lent me a little coca to "get my self going" - up until now all has been well. Ive just transfered them into 10l pots...