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  1. J

    88 degrees and c02 6x6 grow tent

    i got 6x6x6 tent 1000 watt hps with vortec on carbon blowing thru light n out tent then intake blowing air in plus 18'' fan wit co2 and my temp wont drop below 91-88 i dont no what else to do or if that temp is ok because i have co2
  2. J

    whilting burning idk help!

    i got 5 dayinto fowering only using grow big nutes even stopped on that to see if it was nute burn but still looks like this in pic
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    topping while flowering????

    i just started flowering 2 days ago and was wondering if i can top my girls one more time or would it be bad havent done it yet juss looking for expert opinions before i doo
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    purple stems?

    i got a few plants veggin stages prob wanna say 2-3 weeks old grown a lil slow might i add and some of the stems are purple and reason as to why they are that color and any solution
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    Time 2 Flower?

    my plant bout 1-1.5 feet tall its about month and half old i was wondering if its time to flower :hump:
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    nitrogen n ph

    i got two palnts ones in low in ph the other is low in nitrogen what do u think is bes way to up them both kiss-ass
  7. J


    This is one of my first plants bout 4 weeks into veg n its bottom leaves starting to go yellow .. what sould i doo
  8. J

    Need Help/ Advice

    so this is my first grow i went out n got hps 400 watt light on them now i havent givin my plants any nutes yet as the oldest ones 4 weeks i am juss wondering how my plants look to all u vetern growers . some of my bottom leaves have died to why is that..and just wondering how long doest it take...