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  1. Riott

    help with flowering

    So my plant is about 17" tall inches now with 7 nodes and we are about ready to start flowering it. (this is my first btw.). Up to this point we've grown it with 24/7 lighting so my question is should we switch it directly to 12/12 lighting or should we ween it in...any comments are greatly...
  2. Riott

    My Artwork

    Just figured I'd share some of my drawings There not very good, lol but w/e I'm sharing them anyway 2007 2009 2008 2009 2007 2007 So tell me what you think. Like I said I know there not that good, lol.
  3. Riott

    Driving on Salvia

    I'm sure a lot of you have already seen this but it cracks me up lol
  4. Riott

    First Grow - Mystery Weed!

    This is my first grow (well more our first grow, me and my brothers.) using mystery seeds. I know using seeds from bags isn't the best way to do it. I've heard so much it's better to order your seeds and know what they are, but whatever, this is what I'm doing for my first grow, lol...
  5. Riott

    Knocked over plant :( Need some advice.

    Let me state first that this is my first grow and these are my observations, I don't really know if some of them are relevant lol but hang with me here. Ok so today me and my bro were in my closet (aka grow room) and he tipped over one of the plants (probably about a 2 foot drop). So anyway...
  6. Riott


    So just out of curiosity, I wanted to see some of your tattoos. So go ahead, show em' off!
  7. Riott

    Noob grower..

    Hey I'm totally new to growing and to rollitup... Just wanted to say hey, about 1 week and a half into my first plants (didn't order them, just got a few good seeds from a friends, so I don't know what strains they are exactly, or if there fem or not, but we all gotta start somewhere right...
  8. Riott


    Just curious to see some of the stories you guys have about getting busted for post them! Heres mine... So I was with a couple friends smoking at one of there houses after school, when they decide they want to go over to this dudes house to smoke. (the shitty thing is I didn't...