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  1. G

    When are they ready for DWC?

    I'm starting them in soil and moving them to DWC but I not sure when. What is an indication? What length should the roots and canopy be?
  2. G

    What Ph control is best?

    Specifically what kind of acidic is recommended? I hear that if the acidic control is made of a certain acid it is too potent and will make it more difficult to control ph. any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated
  3. G

    Soil to start with

    Which soil is best to start with? I was thinking of using Schultz premium potting mix plus and was hoping to get an opinion on it. Any feedback would be appreciated
  4. G

    why are my new cuttings shriveling?

    i just put them in soil a week ago and now they are shriveling. Why might this be?
  5. G

    Starting off

    How long should you wait to add nutes to a plant after it has been placed in soil from germ? In other words how long do i keep it feeding on water, nutes already in the soil(bag soil), and light?
  6. G

    Clones are females?

    Do clones of females automatically become females? Is there such a thing as a feminized seed or is that just what seed banks say?