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  1. est1410

    7 Months Old Plant and More (Help, Plant Rot)

    Hi all. I have a few plants to show you, however I have a real problem with one. Its been flowering for 5 months took it just a month to show sex. The plant is really bushy and something I have never seen before. So I made it produce some seeds, want to continue experimenting with...
  2. est1410

    4 Unknown Strains, CFL 3x30w

    Hi everyone. I want to continue my posting here under the correct thread. Now as my grow room setup is going well, I shall now focus on my plants. The story so far.... I have 4 unknown strains I am using 2x30w 6000K and 30w 2700k Ave temp 28.5 to 29 C Ave humidity 20 to 30 Size, 1...
  3. est1410

    New grow box. Newbie

    Hey. I am new here but I recently started my own micro-grow box. I thought I would build one. I used standard boxes, put one on top of another, insulated it and put alu foil as a reflective surface. I have 2 fans, A large one at the bottom, serves to provide air and move the plants a bit and a...