Search results

  1. N

    Please take 2 minutes to help confirm sex...

    I have 5 (Feminized! :wall:) Blue Cheese's that are just over 6 weeks old and have been showing sex for at least 10 days. 3 are definitely female's and 2 are suspected males. I'm 95% sure they are male but would like an expert second opinion before they get the chop (especially seeing as they...
  2. N

    Quick question about flowering nutes... (+rep)

    I am nearly ready to flower my blue cheese and blue widows. I had a big issue with nute burn in the first month as the soil I bought ended up having added nutes in it (even though it didn't say this anywhere on the bag) and as I didn't know this I started adding a 1/4 dose of biobizz bio grow at...
  3. N

    Blue Cheese - rusting, curling and dying leaves - detailed pics

    BACKGROUND: I started these Big Buddha Blue Cheese a month ago today. They are were in 5inch pots until about 3 days ago when they were transplanted into 15L pots. They were totally rootbound in the old pots. They grew fine the first two weeks or so but in the last 10 days or so have taken a...