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  1. H

    1st grow good, 2nd grow... really really bad

    More of a rant than asking a question, didn't know where to post this. 1st grow was bagseed as a learning experience. It was a great teaching experience and I pulled about 6 zips dry off of 2 and a half trees. Not bad... 2nd grow I bought genetics that I thought were good. 10 Blueberry and...
  2. H

    I want that couch lock with bag appeal... ???

    I was thinking White Widow for my next grow. I would like to get my hands on some OG Kush or Green Crack but I can't find either. What would you recommend?
  3. H

    New to Ebb and Flow and have questions

    I plan on starting a ebb and flow system. I'am going to be using those cement trays from HD or Lowes. I would like to use 4''x4'' rockwool and hydroton as my medium. What I need to have are movable plants. Sometimes someone might come over and stay the night so I need to be able to move the...
  4. H

    Strain with the best bag appeal?

    Looking for smelly but on the fruit/cheese/whatever side... not just the skunk smell. Different color hues in the plants with colored buds. Any ideas?
  5. H

    Blueberry just won't grow, other plants doing great... why?

    Joey Weed C99 x NL - 9 out of 10 germed and are thriving Joey Weed Blueberry - 5 out of 10 germed and only 1 is doing alright WTF!? Light - 16/8 400w MH Grow Style - Hempy bucket Nutes -3 part GH w/Cal-Mag and Liquid Karma Water - Seedlings twice a day until they get bigger and tap root...
  6. H

    FREE BEER!!!... and why aren't my BB's growing?

    Joey Weed C99 x NL - 9 out of 10 germed and are thriving Joey Weed Blueberry - 5 out of 10 germed and only 1 is doing alright WTF!? Light - 16/8 400w MH Grow Style - Hempy bucket Nutes -3 part GH Water - Seedlings twice a day until they get bigger and tap root reaches bottom of...
  7. H

    Where to buy glass water pipes with your fave sport logo on it?

    Looking for a water pipe or just a pipe of my favorite sports teams. Anyone know of an online place that sells these types?
  8. H

    Still smells like hay, not dry enough... what to do

    I don't think I dried my harvest long enough, I was afraid of over drying it. It was drying for a good 4-5 days and was crispy. I put them in jars for about a month now curing. The hay smell is slowly going away and every now and then I can smell a hint of the weed smell. When I break open buds...
  9. H

    Would not buy Joeyweed Blueberry again.

    A friend purchased 10 BB seeds and 10 NLxC99 from Joeyweed through a reputable seed bank. I don't know what a satisfying germination rate is but for BB it was 7/10 that popped. 1 died shortly after planting and another one the other day, he's down to 5 now. The rest are extremly slow to...
  10. H

    Light Question: Can you break up the hours of light or just go all hours at once

    Not sure if you can understand the question. I'am looking to keep the room as cool as possible to keep the 400w MH as close as possible to plants. I was thinking since I'am going 16/24 as my veg routine can I break up the 16 hours of light into, just for example, 2 on 1 off 2 on 1 off, etc...
  11. H

    Joeyweeds Blueberry seeds won't germinate

    I have some Joeyweed Blueberrys and only a couple have germinated, the rest are not catching up. It's around day 3 or 4. The NL x C99 I have from Joeyweed, all have germinated. What's going on?
  12. H

    First grow done and dried, bag seed 400w MH/HPS

    I use the hempy method and will continue to do so. I grew random bag seed and will never do that again. Out of 6 plants, 3 were female. I use the 3 part GH for nutes, nothing else. During 30 day veg MH 400w, plants were great although stretched. 3'+ on 2 and 1' on 1 plant as I started it...
  13. H

    Calling ALL Hempy bucket users, get in here!

    I'am currently using this method for my first grow and will probably never change. It uses very little space, nothing mechanical or electrical needed. Just about a few minutes of my time every other day. Anyways onto my question. Right now I'am currently using a 5 gallon bucket for a my 'nute...
  14. H

    So wait, hydroponic grown MJ has the same potency as soil grown MJ?

    OK, say that this is true. Why are there tons of people that are growing hydroponics when soil is easier and takes up less room. I understand that the growing period is shortened but unless you are selling a lot or a ginormouse pothead(quite possible), why would you grow hydroponics? For my...
  15. H

    Why would you flower a new clone?

    Now keep in mind, I've never cloned before but I would like to start. I always here about taking the clone straight to flowering. Shouldn't you veg it so it can get bigger? Your basically flowering a little plant when you send a clone to flower right away. Reason?
  16. H

    Finished 1st grow, starting 2nd. Which flowering additive?

    Right now I'am using GH 3 part series on some bagseed. Grow is about done. Towards the end, the plants started to get too much nitrogen and fert burning. I heard people drop the grow part in flowering. I was doing the 3-2-1 then 1-2-3. This a good idea? Also about to start my 2nd grow and...
  17. H

    Good or bad? Amount of pistols a bud has.

    I have 3 plants. 1(my best one) has a shit ton of pistols on every bud. So much it's hard to see the bud its self. The 2nd one has big buds but has a lot fewer pistols, over half less than plant 1. My 3rd plant is a mix of both. These plants came from bag seed. Does it matter the...
  18. H

    Switched from MH to HPS light, leaves now drooping.

    Growing hydro and at the time I only had a MH light so I veged 4 weeks and have been flowering for 5 weeks. I bought a HPS light and switched. Ever since then my leaves have started to droop. They are nice, big, deep green... just drooping. Should I switch back? I was thinking the HPS would be...
  19. H

    Anyone ordered from Hempdepot, come in.

    I'am in the US and the Hempdepot is in Canada. It didn't dawn on me till after I sent in my order if I needed to do a conversion of american dollars to canadian dollars. I believe the current exchange rate, the american dollar is valued less than a canadian dollar... barely. 1 Amer dollar =...
  20. H

    Looking for a grow tent, what's good?

    My total space to work with is 39''x71''x7' I wanted to split that room, one for veg and one for flowering. I was thinking about the HTG Supply tent(39''x39''x78'') for flowering a Growlab GL80 tent 2'7''x2'7''x5'11'' for vegging. I came across this tent...