Search results

  1. joanathegarner

    Help me choose a strain please!

    I am going to do an outdoor grow this season, in essentially pots in a field near my house. I live in Illinois, so it is not "legal" per-say, and I wanted to consult with all the experts on this forum for help choosing a strain. I tried doing some auto white russian last year hydroponically...
  2. joanathegarner

    Sprouting problems

    Hi all. I bought 10 white Russian autoflowering seeds from lowlife seeds a few weeks ago. I germinated them the paper towel method, 9/10 shells cracked open. A couple had decent roots, but i put all them in rockwool cubes and under 9 26 watt lights, about 3 inches from them. I've been...
  3. joanathegarner

    Dr chonic lowlife

    Selection: 10 (tons of different seeds) price: 8 not the cheapest but seems to be reasonable Service: 9 all seeds came in tact and hidden, like 4 days late though, but who cares Stealth Rating: 9 roomy though it was anthrax... Would you order from the same bank again: (Yes Other Comments...
  4. joanathegarner

    CFL Question

    I'm going to set up a PC Grow box with car reflectors on the inside and cfls along with a DWC for my babies 2 seeds (White Russian Autoflowering) from SensibleSeeds (havnt ordered yet, any opinions?) how close do the CFLS have to be? I plan on using 4 30 watt 6100k cfls or can they stay...
  5. joanathegarner

    Simple electrical question

    Sorry for the basic wueation but I have looked everywhere and have not found an answer can I hook up 2-3 400 watt hps lights onto one 400watt ballast? Seems a simple yes or no answer o me, but I can't find anything in any forums about it thanks for looking
  6. joanathegarner

    Need help doing a PC Grow

    Hey thanks for looking I want to make a PC Grow Box for my house, however I need it very secret. I need no light to escape, no smell to escape, and very little noise, if any. I have tried looking around on this forum and the internet to find one that fits these specs but haven't found any...
  7. joanathegarner

    First Time Grow Plan

    hey everybody thanks for reading I'm planning on starting up a grow system and here my plan, let me know if you have any suggestions I will set up a box about 10 feet long by 4 feet wide by 5 feet high to hold this operation I am using a hydroponic system similar to this one for growing...