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  1. icarusi

    Strange leaf shape caused by poor roots? pics!

    System is DWC 5 gal bucket with FF neuts. 400W HPS air temp 78 max water temp 72 max. The strange leaves developed in early flowering week 4-5. water does not smell bad but slime is on the net pot and the roots. The roots are also seem dark.
  2. icarusi

    DWC 5 gal. buckts from lowes toxic to roots?

    Is it possible that the 5 gallon buckets I got from lowes are toxic to the root system in my DWC? Should I be looking for food grade plastic containers?
  3. icarusi

    I think an Important distinction needs to be made

    I am new here so I have been trying to do a lot more reading than talking. I have been gardening for about 5 months. long enough to see success, but I certainly don't claim to know everything. I have been reading a lot about the use of products like florashield, H2O2, and hygrozime (sp?). It...