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  1. Headforhead

    Has anyone built their own 4 light controller

    I found a link to a DIY four light controller. I'm having trouble with the relay part. I've bought two different ones and neither switches the way I would like. Has anyone built one or know about electronics?
  2. Headforhead

    Closed-air system (good or bad)

    I have a chance to do a grow at a place that is difficult to vent intake and exhaust from different areas. I've heard of recirculating systems that use air conditioners and co2 burners to condition an enclosed room. Has anyone done this or know of anywhere to get more info on this? Any major...
  3. Headforhead

    Root Aphids?

    Picked up some clones form a guy and a few days later I noticed creepy crawlies on the root system. I looked through some books and asked some shops and got conflicting answers. Has anyone hat ROOT APHIDS. The book I've got described them to be FUNGUS GNATS but when you research those they...
  4. Headforhead

    Coming Out of Retirement

    Damn it's been 15 years and you guys have changed everything. Man I love it there is so much new stuff to learn. Can't wait to start up again. Since I've found this site I've gotta admit I've gotten addicted. You guys have some great gals!!! So I've been scanning the site for about a week now...
  5. Headforhead

    Generated underground container grow!!

    Looking for some good info. I've heard of it, but ventilation sounds tricky. Also does generated power really pan out $$$$$$$. Was thinking a propane generated might work well, but dealing with propane sounds like a lot of work. Anybody got two cents????????