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  1. C

    What is the largest HPS reflector they sell?

    I'm looking for the for a sealed reflector that is as big as the make. Is the Raptor or the King Cobra the biggest?
  2. C

    Why is PH so low!!!?

    black gold soil, GH and super natural furtz. I water at 6.5 ph. and noticed run off was way low.. I just started to flush at 8.0 and the first runoff as at 4.8??? what could be causing this and how would I fix and control it?
  3. C

    Run off water low PH?

    4 weeks into flower and I feed with ph of 6.5 and run off is 5.4? Doesn't sound good?
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    Wax help please

    I cannot figure out how to get my bho into wax form..i have tried multiple times with multiple different results. most of the time I end up with a sticky stretchy hash, kinda like caramel. sometimes stickier then others and usually still partly wet. i'm I not sturring long enough? also think...
  5. C

    Please help! could fertz go bad?

    So I have been having this for a bit, and seems like its worst some days then might go a week or more without seeing it then see it again. I spilled some water in some of the fertz I use, could this "activate" the fert then when I use it weeks later it is stale??? the room gets pretty...
  6. C

    Help, weird leaves. maybe fert prob?

    If fertz got wet in their container and didn't get used for a couple weeks could that cause a prob?? I can't figure out what causes this!? I spilled some water in my fertz container, could it be "activated" and then be stale by the time I used it???
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    Soil with 75% Peat Moss??

    I have heard of this soil that is mostly peat moss and people are getting great results.. anyone try this stuff?
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    Help Swirled Leaves

    I'm not sure what is causing this.. never have had it before, haven't changed anything latley?
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    not sure what happend?

    I noticed some dry fertz I add were not getting all dissolved. I mix in a 5gal and at the end I notice some fert powder at the bottom that didn't dissolve. Would that cause this? Almost looks like over fert but its just on random spots... and I have one plant that looks under ferted but still...
  10. C

    What do you think could be causing this?

    It started probably around week 3. I use black gold potting soil, R.O. filter, Cal-mag, bud ignitor first two weeks, big bud week 3. Carbo load. and a local nursurys line of base 17-10-17. Drop my PH to 6 in week one 5.9 in week two and 5.8 in week three?
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    Looks Like Rust Spots??

    Not sure what it is? In about week four of flower, any ideas? I use an RO, I add cal mag, big bud, carbo load, and an all purpose. Thanks
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    Whats the best nutrient line?

    I'm using soil and just wondering what peoples opinions are on the different brands?
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    So I watered with some neem oil, and I must have forgot to adjust the PH after. Plants got extremely damaged. So I flushed a little, but they still seem a little damaged. I don't think I flushed enough, but now starting to look over watered...I just repoted a couple days before this so there...
  14. C

    Yellowing in first week of flower?

    Sometimes, and only sometimes in the first week of flower it gets really yellow.. starts with the new growth works its way outwards.. Usually about a week in or maybe two it seems to go back to yellow. I can get pics soon if will help. any thoughts?
  15. C

    Spend a lot on electricity?? New device to help out!

    There is a new device that recently came out that will cut 20% or more off your electric bill! If you use ballasts lights, fans, A/c's, Dehumidifiers, or pumps this will save you money! check it out!
  16. C

    What to do with trimmings?

    I have lots of trimmings I need to get rid of, what do you recommend? But just seems like so much work, and hash does too. I guess I'm looking for the easiest way to get use of it??
  17. C

    Veg PPM schedule?

    I'm wondering what you run your veg PPM at? I finish my veg at 1200 sometimes a little more depending on strain. What would you start at and how much do you raise a week?
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    Roots on clones turn brown??

    They will be doing great and then some will start turning brown then they all turn brown, seems to go down hill once they get any brown. Is it bacteria, mold, disease??Got a couple pics.
  19. C

    cutting large fan leaves or not?

    I have a strain that has a lot of large fan leaves and I am thinking of cutting them part way through flower to give light to lower buds.. What do you think?