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    the true test..

    I germinated a bag seed about 2 1/2 weeks ago. And now that i live in NY, its mad cold outside, so i moved the setup from outside to inside my shed. And here lies the problem. No insulation in my shed. and the temp hovers between 45 at night and 67 during the day. so far nothing bad is happening...
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    maybe a smart idea?

    if i happen to get a male...instead of letting it continue growing...can i purposely make it a hermie...and get some sees out of it?
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    can i....

    top a plant more then once? can someone direct me to cloning help?
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    Smoking Males?

    i started a cfl grow, and my parents are cool with it. i was wondering if the one seed i plant turns to be a male, what parts of the plant can i smoke. I understand it wont be as good as a female, but for my first grow, i will be happy with a decent blunt. !Assault!
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    omg it worked!!

    it started out in a sump where i purposely threw down some seeds. i went back later tht week and behold...a single plant sprouted i took it home..and its now under 4 cfl lights pics r a no parents banned me from da computer. but they accepted the fac that pot is a hobby of mine.. and r...
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    Yet another......noob question

    I was planning on starting my plants indoors(and then moving them outdoors)...and i was just wondering how long i would be able to grow indoors for before the smell becomes noticeable to family guests Assault
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    Im finally back

    kk. heres the story. ive been gone for quite sometime(never grown anything before, but i have been active on these forums). and i wanna start growing.. i have seed..stain unknown. and throughout my town there are a series of "sumps" i was wondering if its possible to plant seeds in these...
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    STICKY: High off your ass and want a good laugh?

    Video - Crackle
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    Strain question

    my friend has been saving the seeds from all the bags he has been buying. some great bags wiht seeds and some horrible bags with seeds if i take some of his seeds, is it possible to know the strain by the smell/hight/fullness/look? just curious to see what i will be smoking
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    i keep reading that you can flower at any time. but i also heard that it causes hermies? anyone have any info on this subject
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    Woot Attention Everyone!!

    i have done so much reading in the past couple of weeks both here on the forums and from the "cannabis grow bible" i know alot more then most people. and i havent even gown yet.hehe so here it important announcement I started my first germination the Marijuana Plant. Strain- White...
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    scrog question

    i wanna do a scrog grow buti had one majr question if i ihave 7ft of space. can i use 4 feet, and use 2-3 different screens at various hights. of course with lights under the screens as well. just something that ran thru my mind recently
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    i haave never been so high

    i smoked me 2nd dutch ever rolled, and then i got the munchies....well stupid me went to my freinds fridge and grabbed a platter of cookies. after the 4-5th cookie, he finnaly told me that they were made from hash. well great, that makes sense, when you get the munchies eat more weed. i...
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    OMFG i got it AGAIN...the GIGGLES

    they are reallly embarassing o have when smoking around people you dot know, but it is fun to forget about life for a while. i have passed out serveral times for several hours from shortage of breath from laughing so hard so here is my question. how much weeed much i smoke to be relaxed. i...
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    Over Throw

    some where in the constitution, it says that if the government is wrong, we have the respocibility to take action. i for one, totally agree. Bush sucks. THE ONLY BUSH I TRUST IS MY OWN!! i am probably gonna get arrested, but i hope someone has the balls to start something, cause i will be...
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    im gonna start growing in the very near future, and i was wondering if i can find plans to make a really cheap grow will to throw down $200 usd. but thats for lighting, soil, heating, cooling...ect.... this will be my first grow, but im willing to grub money off my friends if i need...
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    when i pick up a crappy dime, i get some seeds, and over the months, i have a 20 sack full of seeds. my friends mom said i can grow it in her garage but i wanna keep the smell to a minimum because of neighbors and her grandmother. no idea what strand. and i cant sex it till i flower it. i...