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  1. PuffinLikeAPimp

    Am I weird for listening to Celtic Music while high?

    Hey, I'm sure Im not alone one this one, because for some reason some like old school folky Irish music popped up while i was high the other day. It was delicious. Anybody else had a similar experience with Irish folk music? so weird, i know.
  2. PuffinLikeAPimp

    Quiet Fan

    My current fan is kind of noisy, and I was wondering what kind of fan is effective and quiet. Also, it would help if it wasn't too costly.
  3. PuffinLikeAPimp

    transplanting shock

    Because of limited space, I'm starting vegetative out with 1 gallon pots. But once I get rid of the males, I want to move the females to 2-3 gallon pots. How could I transplant the females so they experience as little shock as possible?
  4. PuffinLikeAPimp

    soil mix?

    So I'm looking for a good solid soil mix before i germinate. I want something rich, so I won't have to fertilize too much in veg. I also want really good airation. I've got pretty much everything, and a decent budget, so how much of each medium? perlite vermiculite MiracleGro worm castings...
  5. PuffinLikeAPimp

    Earthworm Castings

    How does one go about using earthworm castings. I love the whole organic thing, but I'm not sure If you use it like you would use fert, or you just mix it in soil before planting. If so, how much should I use per gallon of soil.
  6. PuffinLikeAPimp

    NPK-- whats the deal?

    Okay, so I see one fertilizer at the store thats like 30-15-15 and another right next to it thats 2-1-1. Is the 30-15-15 really 15x stronger than the other? Do I need to use 15 times more of the 2-1-1 to equal a dosage of the other? If i do, will I end up burning my plants with whatever other...
  7. PuffinLikeAPimp

    Flowering with Metal Halide?

    I know hps i works a load better, but will it seriously affect yeild to use a metal halide for flowering? its all i've got- and i hear its great for veg
  8. PuffinLikeAPimp

    Our First Grow (little discreet op from bagseed)

    Feel free to discuss our complete start-to-finish grow journal here!
  9. PuffinLikeAPimp

    Our First Grow

    Hey everyone, This journal will follow me and my colleague's first ever grow operation. This is a small scale oeration, and its goal is to be as discreet and quick as possible. It will be carried out in my home in a very tiny, musty, dark storage hole off the side of my house. In our attempt...
  10. PuffinLikeAPimp

    Trying to keep the bill low

    Hey people- I've constructed a 2'x2'x4' grow box in my closet. I'd really like to avoid the cost of buying and paying energy bills for an hps or mh, what's my alternative? How many cfls will i need for that space. thanks