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    Northern growers help please

    :roll:So where I live, it doesent decrease to 12 hrs daylight until around sept 1st... and we get frost approx october 15th... My question is... do the plants need exactly 12 hrs to start flowering?..or will the gradual decrease in daylight hours be enough to commence flowering early enough to...

    Goin Organic

    So ive been dreaming about going organic to see how things turn out. The more I read, the more it seems to be the way to go for good smoke, and I hear of good yields.:idea: I wonder if plants living off chemical fertalizers is kinda like humans living off vitimins instead of natural sources lol?

    venting while renting

    thats how i did it, and got away without cutting a hole in the wall!

    Must see for outdoor guerilla growers!

    I came across this cool video on youtube. :leaf:

    just some outdoor newbie info...

    Outdoor Grow Guide 1. Choosing the Spot. Don&#8217;t grow near houses and where people walk. But sometimes the houses can be an advantage. You will have to work exclusively at night but the proximity of the houses will prevent rippers from checking the spot in the day next to the houses...

    North of 55

    I am plannin on going outdoors this year but i live around 55 latitude and im not sure if theres enought time before the frost to finish. how should i go about this?anybody have any experience growing outside in canada?(what kinda question is that right? ha):weed:

    ?which strain?

    :weed: High eveyybody! I was just wondering which strain to go with, for an outdoor grow ,for this upcoming season in Alberta. I prefer a nice sativa (for the blues)but im not sure if they do as good as the indica strains, due to the shorter season in the north. Also, I'm looking for a strain...