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  1. M

    Lost my plants in my house fire. (pics)

    Well now that im clear of any legal stuff I think it's safe to post again. had a house fire a little over a month ago in the apartment below mine. got a call from my roomate when I was high and drunk out on a friday night telling me the apartment was on fire. Adrenaline set in and I ran...
  2. M

    My Shoplight keeps shutting off! Help!

    Right now I'm using a shoplight with two 48" florescents and 4 cfl's in assorted fixtures and reflectors.... The problem is... randomly my shoplight will shut off and in order to get it back on, I have to take off the three-prong adapter unplug the power strip that it and the cfls are plugged...
  3. M

    Cloning a plant during flowering

    I was wondering if it was any waste of a branch off one of my females to try and clone it after it has been under 12/12 for two weeks.
  4. M

    Cloning a plant during flowering

    I have a couple plants and I was thinking of giving a clone off of one to my buddy. Is it possible to clone after you've began flowing.. i'm at about 2 weeks of 12/12
  5. M

    How long to wait for sexing...

    I have four plants at the moment. My largest which I started on September 6th is in a 5gallon bucket and has shown sex on the second day of flower. Now my question is, I have three others in smaller containers. 1 is in a one-gallon pot and the others in Styrofoam cups. I don't have any...
  6. M

    My babies

  7. M

    Did I top my plants wrong!?

    Well I decided at about 3 weeks into veg to top 2 of my plants to see how it worked. My larger plant didn't take well. I think I did it right, but no new growth has come out of it. It has simply dried up and stayed the same ever since i trimmed off the new growth. Since my camera is dead...
  8. M

    early sexing

    Awhile ago I read somewhere that if you veg your plant.. then when it's still moderately young, cut out a piece of black construction paper and wrap it around one of the branches thus cutting light to that branch down to 12hours to induce flowering. Do you think this would work? Making it...
  9. M

    How to Top Plants?

    So i've been reading this entire forum from front to back for the last few weeks. I'm trying to get a better idea of the technique of topping your plants. Does anyone have a video or a picture of exactly what, where and how you top them? I have an idea, but I personally don't want to go...
  10. M

    Little Fruit Like Flies??

    Wanted to know if anyone has experienced such small flies like this... There are a ton of them all over the soil. I didn't know if this was a bad thing or just because of the moisture.