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  1. cloudflyer

    Why do you want to Learn to grow w/poll

    So why do you want to learn to grow? The users of the poll are secret.
  2. cloudflyer

    Feminized seeds are evil!!!!!

    I keep reading on here how great feminized seeds are. FEMINIZED SEEDS ARE EVIL!!!!! First, I understand why people use them. You want to fill every space you have with a female plant to increase yield. I get it. If you must fill every little hole use clones (i dont really like them either...
  3. cloudflyer

    I need a pic

    Does anyone have a picture of roots growing in their aeroponic chamber? Inside a aeroflo would be perfect. I am creating an Advanced Aeroponics DVD and I want to show diffrent methods.
  4. cloudflyer

    I need a pic for an upcoming DVD

    Does anyone have a picture of roots growing in their aeroponic chamber? Inside a aeroflo would be perfect. I am creating an Advanced Aeroponics DVD and I want to show diffrent methods.
  5. cloudflyer

    My crazy friends

    So get this. I have this friend that I have know for a few years now. He is a cool kat. Chicks dig him, just a real likable kind of guy. A few friends go over to his house a couple nights a weeks and we get blazed, play video games, poker and party. He always has some random party chick there...
  6. cloudflyer

    Bongs vs. Water Pipes

    Does anyone else remember when a water pipe was called a bong? If you go into a head shop now and say bong, they look at you like your a cop. You usually get some sort of response like. "bongs are illegal, we sell water pipes" and they point at the bongs. At this point do the cops think to...
  7. cloudflyer

    The almighty Toothbrush

    So I'm watching TV and I see an ad for a toothbrush with an onboard computer. Wow I think, are you kidding me. Seriously, in the past 20 years how much technological advancement could there possibly been in the toothbrush industry? A piece of plastic shaped like a stick with plastic bristles...
  8. cloudflyer

    Great Movie About The History of MJ and the U.S

    MySpaceTV: The History Of Marijuana by Anti New World Order It was on the history channel
  9. cloudflyer

    CloudFlyer Grow Journal

    I started my grow room many years ago. As you will see I only grow 2-4 plants at a time. I just grow for me. I found that when you pay attention to just a couple plants you usually grow better plants. My overall goal growing is to grow the absolute best weed I can. I very rarely clone because I...
  10. cloudflyer

    Should I harvest now? (pics)

    I know when to harvest but I want opinion on the type of HIGH you like. Right now my plant are about 50% milky white (energetic high). I have always harvested at this point. Does anyone prefer the amber heads (lazy body high)? PS the pic below is not my plant just a great refrence for people.