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  1. G

    Bugs or Fungus or ?

    Wondering if anyone had input on some leaf spots/damage. Week 2 Flower, 15 gal pot, Full Organic COOT, Gelato, 1000watt HPS and 550watt HID. doesn’t seem to be on the other 4 plants (different strains, different soil) I know the middle plant is droopy, it had a rough transition, but im just...
  2. G

    Light too close?

    Will having a light too close cause wilting? Like as a defense against burning maybe? Just got a new light and plants are being very shy... Maybe too close to the canopy?
  3. G

    LED newbie... Help, Wilting?

    I just bout a HLG 300 B Spec to veg under. Moved plants from a 400w MH to under this light. After day 1 everything looks droopy. Is this like a shock/adjustment to new light or do I maybe have something wrong somehow??
  4. G

    Coot LOS, Rev TLO, SubCool SuperSoil, BioCanna: Side By Side

    Mentioned this briefly almost a month ago but I’m almost done cooking, got room about set up, and got the “victims” about ready to go in their final organic homes. I’ll be doing a side by side by side by side by side comparison to hopefully answer some questions for myself and others about the...
  5. G


    I just harvested a bunch of Comfrey for use in my No Till ventures... How should I store it? Dehydrate? Air Dry? Freezer Fresh? Fridge Fresh?
  6. G

    Controlling a clone

    I ended up with a forgotten/trashed clipping of some really good genetic Blackberry Kush and got it to root and show some signs of life again... What’s the best way to regain control of the growth, since its kinda all over the place? Can I chop it in the middle or will that kill it?? I usually...
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    What all has to “cook”

    Does Rock Dust, Basalt, and Oyster Shell powder have to “cook” or can they be added to an already-cooking soil mix?
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    Mid-Way thru cooking Question

    I'm 2 weeks in but still moist... Fuzzy on top... should I mix/turn or anything or just keep letting it sit? P.S. in trash cans with lids in a grow room
  9. G

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    Should I un-bag and water and “cook” / air out FFOF or just use it right out the bag? P.S. probably going to add some humus and Cal/Mg to the soil, but no extra feed/meal. Running BioCanna nute line on this particular run.
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    Sprout with no leaves

    Seed sprouted but didn’t throw leaves... Been like this for 2 days... is it a dud?
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    Anyone ever run anything (other than just water) in their humidifier to do a slow/even “foilar spray” as a mist from the bottom? just a thought
  12. G

    Organic Experiment / Fun Game Anyone?

    Experimenting with Soils. Have this left over, didn’t know if anyone would want to throw me a recipe with what I got here and I’ll cook it then throw in a Black Sugar seedling and see how it does. See Pictures but... Bases 1) Roots Soil 2) ProMix 3) CoCo Gro (Organicare Coir) 4) FF Ocean Forest...
  13. G

    Pasteurized Manure???

    The only Steer Manure I can seem to find is a “Paturized Steer Manure Substrate”... will this work as a steer manure in an organic soil mix or does it only work for magic mushrooms? if not, where the hell can I find steer manure? Lol
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    Soil Cooking conditions

    Can I “cook” my soil indoors in my empty grow room? Or must it be outside? I
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    Anyway to get the air bubbles out? I don’t think they are butane, I vac purged for a few hours at 115 I think it’s good otherwise, my first time.
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    First time blower BHO Purged 2hr @110 F (is this long enough) 10g yield seem decent? Tastes wonderful P.S. yes I use a dart to dab
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    Dripping Resin

    I imagine this is a good thing... But is it normal to have resin forming gooey droplets while hang drying?
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    How are y’all getting legit dosed L ? stories are making me jealous. I’m always stuck with sketchy/iffy shit
  19. G

    XXL buds

    Just harvested... I have 15 of these ... this is the smallest of my colas. can I dry, and/or dry and cure with them this size or should I cut them up smaller... they are 100% full and dense so it would be cool to keep them whole but does it promote mold? my dry room is a constant 70 degrees...
  20. G

    Close to harvest, what causes this

    Almost looks bad on top but then it’s almost a nice purple? But then the buds underneath the tops are absolute fire??? What happened, or is it all good? All bad? Note: partially hermied and pollinated from a tent mate early on.