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  1. F

    Earth Juice?

    I was reading a recent high times and they suggested using earth juice for organic closet grows, im assuming you would use this as opposed to the fox farms nutrients? (using the earth juice grow during veg state, and bloom during flowering). Im still pretty new to using nutrients and what not...
  2. F


    Hows it goin everyone? Been a long time since i logged on. I was thinking of starting my second grow when i relocate to a different state later this year and for my first grow i had kept it very very basic;soil based, cfls, worm castings every now and then, and not really adding any nutrients. I...
  3. F


    Hey a buddy of mine has a problem or more or less a question. He's been growing his first as well, except the buds are getting nice and sugary and big but the hairs are barely changing any color. is that normal? do they have to turn orange or is it possible for them to stay goldenishyellow...
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    Plane Curiousity.

    I really wasnt sure where to post this... So i am taking a trip, and being like every other stoner, im curious about bringing green on a plane. I am not talking mass ammounts, i am only talking an 8th or possibally a dub at the very most of some reg/mids. id like to know if any of yall think...
  5. F


    I was considerin when my harvest is done, using the plant and trimmings to make cannabutter. My question is this, can i use to whole plant or just branches and leaves? Also im assuming whatever i have i should use about 1 oz. minimum? Can anyone give me the scoop, im a new when it comes to...
  6. F

    How does this look?

    How does this setup/plant look? I know there are probabally a thousand things i could do to improve, but this was my first go at it, i think im doin alright, it still needs plenty of time to swell though, any thoughts? opinions? its a very ghetto set up, and the next go around im going to...
  7. F

    A good reflector?

    Was wondering if anyone had good tips for a closet grow, the lights are hanging above the plant with a lamp to the side of it. It doesnt have a reflector over it, and it wasnt made to support one above, any ideas on how to properly set up a reflector either above(to where it wont mess with the...
  8. F

    What is this lighting fixture?

    I was looking around the site and saw this in the CFL section, and i was wondering what kind of fixture this is for the cfl's? im very interested in it, i am doing a small grow right now and i think this would be perfect, right now i have a VERY ghetto set-up (extension cord, socket adapters...
  9. F


    So i have been raging a battle for the past three days, i have been fighting gnats and baby gnats, that appear to be coming out of the soil. has anyone ever had this problem or does anyone have any solutions on how to take care of it? I have read that it is probabally coming from over watering...
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    So i have a problem,the past 3 days i have been battling gnats and gnat babies,they seem to be coming 4rm the soil. how can i kill these lil s.o.b's?
  11. F

    noob lighting question

    This is more of a question to be prepared in the hopefully near future. I was wondering when i need to switch(or how to tell when to switch) to a 12/12cycle. Right now im doing a 24/0 cycle under a 27wcfl for my lone plant(5500k). Its a little under 6inches and its in its 3rdwk of veg (day 18 )...
  12. F

    Foliar feeding with worm castings?

    Hey yall, im currently using j3 organic worm tea (1pint diluted with one gallon of water), now the bottle itself says to only water it once a week, but i was wondering if anyone knew if i could do it earlier than this? Any ideas or do i need to just stick with my foliar spray 1 a week? right now...
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    Quick question, when should you begin pruning(or trimming? idk the term) and how would you go about that? Sorry for such a noobie question. Have pity. :leaf:
  14. F

    worm poop??

    can anyone give me the scoop on worm castings and soil?
  15. F


    Any recommendations for a good safe organic pesticide if the need for one should come up?? Dont want no spider mites in here!:wall:
  16. F

    Reflector Question/Seed question

    Hey guys, i understand its preferred to have a reflector above the lights, i am using a closet for my first grow,its fairly large, and most of my money has gone to the major supplies, so i was wondering if there was an inexpensive way to maybe use a reflector? i was thinkining maybe tinfoil...
  17. F

    Light question

    Hey, first time poster. I just got a simple question on lighting. i only want to do 1 plant, for recreational use. what sort of lights would be good for just one, every time i look somethin up on the internet its always talking of heavy duty lights to use for a grow room, but i wont be needing...