Search results

  1. BurtonEvan

    Will they be okay? Help

    Okay. So i hade my buds on a screen inside a suitcase that was opened half way. They were in there from monday night till thursday night. I checked on em tday and 4 small buds were showing signs of mould. None of the other buds are moulding. So i decided to change the drying area. I took a big...
  2. BurtonEvan

    Drying buds questions?!!

    Ighhht, soo i chopped Down my 5 plants on monday night. I trimmed them all and layed the bud out on a screen (suspended about 2 Inches from the ground) Inside a luggage bag, Like the rectangular ones with wheels. I have like half Of the suicase zipped closed. After like 3 days the buds...
  3. BurtonEvan

    15-15-15 Fert Ratio

    My plants are a month in a half old now and about a month outdoors. I just put them (13) in the ground today with promix soil that gives them nutes for 3 weeks. I found some 15-15-15 Fertilzer in my shed yesterday. I has no instructions however of how much of a water to nute ratio I need to...
  4. BurtonEvan

    NPK ratings

    Okay I need some help with nutes and the NPK ratings. What's the best npk rating for: veg- and flowering- how often do I use nutes? I have nutes that read 15-15-15.... Will this work for the veg stage?
  5. BurtonEvan

    Seedlings starting to fall! Help

    Okay so my seedligs are about 1.5 weeks old now. There growing in a closet with a 20" gro-glo flourecent bulb under 24h that is about 3 inches away from the tops of the plants. They are in beer cups (no drainage) and get watered with a spray bottle. They get about 8 sprays in the morning an...
  6. BurtonEvan

    ?-PC Grow Case-?

    So after this outdoor season with some money that I make I am thinking of buying a PC Grow Case from The one I am looking at getting is called the Flow Box LST (Low Stress Training) The box costs $330 for the soil setup and $350...
  7. BurtonEvan

    Nutes, is this okay?

    Okay, I am starting 20 plants (2 rows of 10) under a 22" flourecnent gro-and-glo tube. The germinated seeds will go in beer cups with pro-mix soil. Once we leave them under that light until they sprout (weather permitting) we will take them outside. I just go some nutes that read 15-15-18 Im...
  8. BurtonEvan

    !-(Any Advie Wanted)-|*Burton's 1st OUTDOOR GORW* |-(Lots of Pictures)-!

    Okay guys, so I will be making a journal about my first out door grow. I will try to update the growing process every week with lots of pictures! Any Advice is welcome! WEEK 1 Okay, so I got 100 seeds that were just from random outdoor plants from the past 2-3 years. Just some old seeds. I...
  9. BurtonEvan

    2 Questions

    Okay, I have 2 questions about my grow this season: 1. Once you place you plants outside (In a remote area), how often do you go to visit/water your plants? 2. Is Miracle Grow a good soil to use the full way through? It says it feeds the plants with nutrients for 3 months.
  10. BurtonEvan

    My 2010 Outdoor Grow!

    Okay, so the seeds have been germinating for 1 day now, 3 have sprouted of the 25 seeds that are germinating. I picked up a bag of miracle grow soil to grow in (is this a good soil?) Once all the seeds have sprouted I'm going to fill dixie cups (plastic beer cups) up with Miracle grow, poke a...
  11. BurtonEvan

    My first grow ever! *Need lots of advice *

    Hey guys, so this is my first grow ever this summer. I just got 75 seeds today from a friend. I started to germinate them and waiting for them to sprout. I have no way of starting them indoors however. I have 15 pots I am going to use (Not using all of the seeds) Once they germinate I am going...
  12. BurtonEvan

    CFL Growbox

    Hey guys! So this is going to be my first grow. I have germinated 4 seeds and are ready to be planted. Me and my friend have a old insulated fridge out in the barn. We are going to grow during the winter so the barn is really cold, but the fridge is insulated. This is the setup: Fridge with...