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    So this week begins week one of my stages of growing..i recently found a 150 wat 6500k cfl light at walrmat for 20 im gonna use 2 of these for my clones/mother/vegging. And im just gonna buy 4 more 125 wat cfls for my flowering gonna go with the single plant per like 2gal...
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    How Many Trees

    Ok so i started to get the shiznit for my grow..and its gonna be 6ftx30"x30", i wanna get maximum plants in there wat do oyu guys think could i do 12 plants or is that pushing it..i wanna do lowryder, possibly big bud..and sharksbreath and white widow..wat do you guys think..:weed:
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    Lighting..First grow

    So i am still patching up some details and wat not on at i really wanna do for my first grow. And its gonna be a box made of 2 x 4's and covered in plywood to keep it light i wanted to go with MH or HPS lights..but idk if they will get to hot for the wood box..i was gonna use to...
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    Closet Grow....Lighting.

    So i am currently working on a small grow in my closet..Im definately gonna spend the money on some MH or HPS bulbs..wat i was wondering is wat are some companys people like for bulbs, and fixtures..i figure ill have 4-6 plants..Would the one 400w MH or HPS work..and im gonna veg them in 4" x 1...
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    So i planted some germinated seeds in some earth worm was just some soil that some worms were in for a while..and i used that..should the plants do better witht he nutrients that the worms produce...and do i even have to add any to not goin hydro just straight soil..jsut because...
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    wat is a simple fertilizer to make or buy from lowes or a garden put in soil..i know havnt been on long..just got a setup back im excited..just cant find any good ones do i wantlike 15-15-20..or wat thnx allan
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    First grow attempt..

    As titled stated im going to attempt my first grow. All i want is 2 my question is i was gonna make a grow box..and line the insides with reflectors, and use t5 lights on the sides and then on the top a single mh fixture maybe 75 to 100 i know the mh would be the best in...
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    Good fertilizer Yay or Nay

    is this a good fertilizer its 10-15-10
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    Diy Mh

    wat is a simple way to make a mh fixture...i mainly just need to kno how to wire the wat types do u use...
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    Just starting

    I wanna start off by saying hi, and this forum seems to be the best so far...Well i just started, and i wanted to kno wat brand of mh everyone is there indoor setups...:hump:....also wat soil are people using these using an all purpose miracle grow seems to be doing...