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  1. P

    Does Anyone Know A FOREIGNER Busted For GROWING????

    Got a friend who got busted for growing. Is he pretty much getting deported? He's a green card and married here in the states.
  2. P

    Any Growers in California or Medical States Here?

    I'm writing a fairly large article about the industry. Would love to take pictures of plants in different stages of growth as well as different strains growing.
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    Anyone Know a Good Lawyer on Cultivation in NYC?

    a friend may or may not be in trouble... needs an attorney ASAP that has experience in such matters.
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    Got some SEEDLINGS i want to sex...

    it's been about a month. can I start putting them under 12/12 now? i just want to sex them and then put them back to 24/0
  5. P

    When do you HARVEST your plants???

    I got a few that look done. A few amber stalks. But the heads still look clear. some amber trichomes have bulbs that seem missing. while other trichomes look clear. it's been 9 weeks since 12/12.
  6. P

    Should I add a DRIP system to my DWC???

    Well I normally grow straight DWC for clones and allow the bubble's burst to create enough moisture and humidity to allow new roots to form. Basically the bubbles splash the rockwool. However, when I move these clones into a larger set up the bubbles do not hit the rockwool. So I wanted to...
  7. P

    help me improve MY design.. Please

    basically i have two rooms. One in which I grow. The second where I keep the fans and ballasts and stuff. I'm scared to use the windows in case of light leaks and smell. So everything gets shot into the second room. Still don't like circular design. 1. the duct pulls on lights. 2. i don't...
  8. P

    What's PPM suppose to be and PH?

    I've been running 5.8-5.9 PH pretty religiously. Heard people saying we should actually be at 6.2-6.3??? What about PPM? I'm at: 900 PPM (hanna), 1152 PPM (Eutech), 1260 (Truncheon). or 1.8 EC. Is this too high???
  9. P

    Heard Some Areas were Overly Saturated even with Top stuff? Truth??

    No way.... I can't believe it. Talked to a Colorado grower the other day and he said it's bad. Really? Where is it really bad? Where guys are sitting on real weight?
  10. P

    baby is sick! Oh NOES!

    is it a flushing problem? Usually I thought this was a high PPM problem or PH problem. not sure anymore. PH is 5.8. was at 5.7 for a few days. PPM = 880. DWC. Not sure but my PPM is rising it seems and i believe water level is going down. Does this mean the PPM is too much? with flash:
  11. P

    White little crawling bugs....

    small tiny ones. Seems to be all over my seedlings. there are about like 4-5 on each plant crawling up and down the stem. real tiny. size of a needle head.
  12. P

    Good place to buy a decent enough WALL fans? How many???

    Got a 10x10 room. Mold inside buds has been a problem. Thinking more air circulation around the plants will help?? how many fans? does size matter or do those small power fans work good?
  13. P

    Anyway to DEHUMIDIFY without HEAT?!?

    Got a room with 60% humidity. Large DWC setup. Tried dehumidifier and it's on all the time and still not lowering humidity. I feel the HEAT from the dehumidifier is creating humidity by raising the temperature of the room. Thoughts? Anyone try salt or some type of desiccant?
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    Does SEXING mothers hurt future clones???

    Got a bunch of seeds. Want to find out sex. Does sexing them then placing them back as mothers hurt future clones?
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    I want Sour Diesel... but DAMN it's expensive....

    Thinking of Res Dog.... want it but jesus it's $$$$
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    Anyone Try Sour Diesel from resevoir seeds???

    Thinking of getting their Sour D... it's just expensive ... i don't mind if it's the best shit around... just not sure if it is.
  17. P

    What's a good POTENT ass kicking strain???

    I'm basically looking for something that is very NUGGY and POTENT. Something that even an experienced smoker would knock him on his ass. Any strains that remind you of?
  18. P

    Worried - Took several FLOWERING plants and NOW REVEGGING ....

    I want to take them and reflower them in 4 weeks or so. What can I do to minimize damage from revegging and then reflowering them? they were flowering for 3 weeks. (i had to take them out).
  19. P

    Increase yield with Beneficial Baceria?? Or faster?

    I just got some beneficial bacteria Oregonism. Roots Organics. I got a DWC. Was going to pour it on top of the rock wool. Good benefits? Increase yield?
  20. P

    Which would do better Ebb and Flow OR DWC???

    I think DWC would... just cause it's in the nutrients the whole time and the plants can build larger root systems... I guess do plants eat constantly like always having small meals or do they eat like 3 meals a day?