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    Since it's 2:40 here...

    ...I'm smoking my joint the other way around :D
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    Dengue fever

    A friend of mine has Dengue fever (It's quite common in Brazil right now) and we were wondering if there is any problem smoking pot while ill. I know there isn't any with normal colds of flus, it even helps for me... But Dengue is another thing. Thanks in advance, folks
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    3:20 here...Where's 4:20 now? Who's with me? Peace
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    The Fift Element

    is the better film eer to see stoned... man, it s great
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    My Babies

    These are my babies: my pipe and my bong. Here's Frodo: And there's Glinn:
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    Maches vs. Lighters

    The poll that was mssing...
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    If we could grow a weed...

    For a long time... Til she hit puberty... Maybe she'll get better.. Maybe she'll get hotter... Maybe she'll develop tits.... Maybe, she starts having a period... But on period, liquid hash would come out of their leives... Man, this shit is so crazy... Like, so fucked up... Like, It'd me super...
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    I'm so high right now... What do you gus like to watch in TV these times?

    What do you guys like to wetch on TV or in the internet..?
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    I just realized... nowstopwhining's Avatar

    ...avatar... Looks like a Christmas Tree.... hahahahahaahahahahaha *laughing so much* Soo cool...
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    If all goes well...

    I'll get my hands on ~16$ of pot by this weekend... (That's much here)
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    Things to do High

    My Personal Combination: ― Chocolated Milk (Specially from a brazillian brand named Toddy) ― Favourite kind of Fresh Bread + Lightly Salted Butter ― Masturbate These three things are the best things to do high!
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    Urinating Much Today...

    I don't quite know if this is the best place to post this... Please move the thread to the correct place, should the need arise... I'm sober for about 48 hours. Before that, I was high for like three days in a row. It was the first time I stayed high for so long, so maybe this is completly...