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  1. Skroatz

    Whitehouse petition - full legalization for ages 21+

    Just stumbled across this one :leaf:
  2. Skroatz

    Need strain advice...

    I stopped growing all togetherand smoking a few years ago. I'm looking into growing a Sativa, which I've never done before. I'm looking for a strain that can with hold up to 40c degrees as it gets here in Oz, maybe something new... and also medium sized height. Last time I ordered I think I used...
  3. Skroatz

    Something new I'm trying.

    Bit of sacred geometry and such.... I'm new to this, very interesting stuff on the subject though including cymatics plus cosmic vibrations SKROATZ
  4. Skroatz

    It;s been awhileve it

    Think I've been reading here since '07, signed up '09. I remember the days growing, and blazing. I have since stopped growing and stopped smoking, loved growing, but smoking as a grew up... just wasn't my thing. it made me depressed because of how I think too much about the serious things in...
  5. Skroatz


    Is life all about faith? For example, most beleive that everyone in life is an individual human and not just a contruction of their imagination from birth till death. At what point can we say that we don't need faith? To know for certain about anything at all. Truth is, we cant, and won't. So...
  6. Skroatz

    Chemistry wizzes...

    A mate was asking for some help... so I thought I'd try.. and have no idea.... who can answer this lol A car weighs 1000 kg. It is filled up with 50 kg of petrol. The car is driven until all of the petrol is used up. The car now weighs 1000 kg again. What is the approximate weight of the...
  7. Skroatz

    Question I've been Pondering for a While.

    I have been thinking for a while now, how come there is a male and female to most things on earth that are living (plants, animals...etc)? how could that have possibly have happened in history? I mean, yes its possible to get a male and female human for example, but the odds for so many things...
  8. Skroatz

    So Stoned...Theory of Life...

    So I was/am pretty cut, chilling back on the sofa spaced out after work... I somehow get thinking (lol stay with me here) that 'possibly' we humans are just a thought of a 'computer' like intelligent conciousness that is learning, expanding, teaching itself, as if anything is possible, any path...
  9. Skroatz

    Blueberry, 9 weeks, 400W, ready?

    Hey fella'z.. 9th week, 400w, blueberry, 1-2 weeks still or sooner?
  10. Skroatz

    What is it going to be like on the 21st Dec '12, if nothing happens.

    I think the day is going to be real weird... like for example I don't think much will happen that day but something like humanity might change soon... so since it's only over a year away I'm thinking, might have a cone then get all paranoid... lol like a nuke is going to launch and start WWIII...
  11. Skroatz

    yahoo q's/answers has some weird shit...

    I was googling about weed.. one of the google results was this link... I lost it :-o hahaha Post more funny ones when you see them..
  12. Skroatz

    Blueberry, 26days flowering [pics]

    I'm not sure what is happening with the leaves at the very top of the colas. I've included some pictures. At the early stages of flowering this plant had experienced a minor contact with spider mites, I got in early with different shit every few days which got rid of them, havn't seen any sign...
  13. Skroatz

    67 days, 9.5weeks, ready?

    this is my pure afghan, its 9.5 weeks since the day it was put into 12/12. So really, only about 8 weeks. 400W hps. Is she ready? I'm not sure if these are clear, or cloudy. Thanks Skroatz
  14. Skroatz

    Found these under a microscope.. what are they? Spidermites?

    I think I have spidermites... first time... so angry... there are so many but not much harm has been done yet... I can see these things just attacking the leaves under a microscope..
  15. Skroatz

    Tent growers - What's your ventilation setup?

    I have a 1x1x2m tent with a 150x500mm Carbon filter and a 150mm fan. It is one of those metal can fans that say they push 400cfm (I hardly think so) but I think I am going to have to use a centrifical 150mm fan instead. My temps are way to high at 35C plants are still growing good but they could...
  16. Skroatz

    I was bored, high as shit, don't usually draw..

    I've been visiting this section abit lately so I figured I would just post what I drew today while I was abit out of it thinking to hard...
  17. Skroatz

    Buds on fan leaves?

    Last year I grew an outdoor plant that had buds growing between the fingers on a fan leaf like this.. What makes this happen? I totally forgot to research it on the net if it was in the strain or what until I seen that pic. Any info? I still have seeds from that batch.. was awesome white...
  18. Skroatz

    Is this WW showing sex in VEG? 18/6

    Whats going on here.. 90W LED 18/6. No light leaks. Growing with other plants and this ones the only one with these.. I hope not male balls...I was looking forward to WW. :leaf:
  19. Skroatz

    Yellowing and dieing lower fan leaves.

    So over the past few weeks my Pure Afghans I got free with my WW and Blueberry seeds from I have noticed lower leaves have been yellowing until they are light in colour then falling off, or I have been picking them off when they are dead. It's only slowly happening but I...
  20. Skroatz

    Feeling Something Big Is Going To Happen.

    So I'm still young at the age of 20 but recently in the past year I've come down hard to reality. I wish I could go back to when I was 17 running a muck drinking and smoking not thinking about how the world runs and what life really is. At first I looked at religion last year a lot and I just...