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  1. R


    Hey. I am very sad this morning. I csme home last night to check on my kush plant that is about a month in 12/12 and it didnt look very happy. I forgot that there was almost no water in the dwc yesterday before the lights came on and my plant has shriveled. Does anyone have any advice on...
  2. R


    Hey Im sorry if this isnt the right forumto post this question in and I am also sorry if this question has been discussed before (does the search function work at all on this site?) I am looking for some advice on where to find a scale. Something inexpensive, doesnt have to be digital, I'd be...
  3. R

    Help plz

    Whats up people... Im doing a dwc small grow cab grow and I'm probably 14 + days from harvest. Im stopping by for some advice. Ive been using GH basic FloraGrow/Micro/Bloom. Due to height concerns I end up using low amounts of micro and grow. I actually cut out all the nitrogen 2-3wks ago...
  4. R


    I just heard this term today. Can someone tell me what it means in realtion to buds thanks
  5. R

    Advice Needed Please

    WHats up everyone, I have a small dilemma. I have two plants under 400whps and due to my shitty reflector one plant is maturing faster than the other. I rotated them the other day and this helped but it is a pain in the ass because i have to tie one of the plants for support. After...
  6. R

    Transplant: Soil to Hydro

    Hello, Im cutting down my males today in my 6 plant DWC, i scrog'ed from seed which i now know is a bad idea. Cant wait to get the bastards out of there, too bad theyre male they are strong and tall. Anyways I also have 6 plants in soil that i have sexed that i want to switch over to my DWC...
  7. R

    Help Please

    Ok here's my problem... I have a 6 plant DWC and it turns out that 3 of my plants are male. I now know i should have figured out the sexes before scrog'ing but regardless i have to get the males out of there. Does anyone have any suggestion/experience with this problem? The root systems of...
  8. R

    Quick Question

    WHats up I just have a quick question that I have been wondering about. Im using some hydro nutrients that came with the system i bought. The nutes come in small individually packaged zip lock bags. Its a three part nute, micro, grow and bloom. What i am wondering is why the directions...
  9. R

    Paging Dr. Greenthumb

    I had started this thread in the newbie section but i guess this is where it should have been... This week i noticed some problems on my plants. At first i thought it was only due to spider mites, white flies or some pest but now i think its a combination of the heat in my grow box and the...
  10. R

    ***Pest Problem?***

    Hey everybody, This is my first grow and I think i may have found a pest on one of my plants. Tell me what this sound like to you guys... When i first looked at the plants stem about and inch or two above the rockwool I saw what i thought was a peice of a seed shell stuck on the stem. So I...