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  1. S

    Female Purple Kush looking awesome

    Here are some pictures of my plant. If anyone knows what the white dots are on the leaves please tell me.
  2. S

    Purple Kush male? female? or too early to tell?

    Is this a pistol or just a leaf its 9 days into flowering and if it isnt how long is it usally beore you can tell the sex?
  3. S

    Too late to supercrop??

    Is it too late im 10 days into flowering can get more pics if needed just having trouble getting them on the site any help would be appreciated
  4. S

    Does a bad seed from a hermie have 100% chance of being hermie?

    I planted a purple kush seed a little over a month ago but got the seed from some purple kush with lots of seeds. I was just wondering if it is for sure going to be a hermie and if it is a hermie do they produce less bud or do you have to do anything different.
  5. S

    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    Alright im new to this site and have read alot but still have alot to learn. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what to do with my plant there are a couple problems such as, one brown spot and the tips of the bottom leaves are a browny yellow colour will try to upload pics asap i took...