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  1. W

    Lowryder's whats the deal????

    i jsut basically want to find out what the deal is with these tiny auto flowering plants know as lowryder any infromation that can be posted about yield per lowryder and tips on growing would alll be apreciated and welcomed in this forum.
  2. W

    When can i expect to see bud?

    my plant was started around may 24 weekend and is now approxamelty 3.5 feet tall. One of my firends also interested in growing mentioned to me that in canada the gorwing time tends to be much longer as gorwing outdoor is slightly colder then other climates. I was wondering if anyone else had...
  3. W

    Question about POT GROWING MYTH

    i odnt know if this is true or not so i was wondering wether or not someone ou thtere might know. Th emyth goes that if you rip off the tips of some of the leaves that its causes the plant stress which in turn makes the plant produce more resin and overall better weed. Do you think that this...
  4. W

    Is there something wrong with my plant

    MY plant is about 2-3 feet but the plants conapy seems to be blocking any development of leaves or branched below it. The plant is healthy green, nothing wrong with it asteticaly but the plant only seems to be growing at the top rather then from multiple stems. should i be woried it doest have...