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  1. B

    Weed tastes like crap!!

    Hey all, first grow... I think I might have over fertilized at the end. I was hitting it with full strength cha ching from fox farms 3 times with just straight water inbetween, then just straight water for the last 2 weeks. The weed tastes soo bad... some of it was quick dried but some of it...
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    How many times can you run bud through bubble bags?

    Hey, first time making bubble hash and so far so good :D I'm just wondering how many times you would recommend running the water through the same bud? I'm on my 4th go, and on the 3rd time the hash started looking greener... does that mean I'm losing potency and there is more leaf matter...
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    Bubble hash from bud?

    Hey everybody, Almost at my first harvest and just noticed that one of my plants seemed to hermie on me without me noticing... noticed seeds all over the place... so I kinda freaked out chopped it, trimmed it, and threw it in the freezer. I do have bubble bags so that's why I didn't feel so...
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    Flush for too long?

    Hey everybody, I am on day 45 of my very first grow (Bubba Kush) and I started flushing already (last feeding was at day 41) since I thought the plant would be done in 57 days. After reading around it looks like 9 weeks might be a better idea, so I'm wondering if I should feed them one more...
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    Latest to plant outdoors?

    I was just wondering what the latest would be to plant outdoors in a location where the first frost is usually in October? I'm growing out some clones and want to select a few as mothers but the leftovers I would like to plant outdoors if possible.. Could I plant them in early August? :peace:
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    Smoking bud 4 weeks into flowering?

    Hey I was just wondering if anybody has tried smoking buds that are 4 weeks into flower. Total for the strain I'm growing is about 60 days so I'm about halway there. I just bought a new vapo so I'm itchin to try it out with some quality herb!!
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    Checking on babies during dark cycle

    Hey all, I was wondering if there is a safe way to look at your plants during the dark cycle? I've been away for 3 days and have to leave again before the lights come back on and I just want to check to make sure everything is ok before I leave.. Or would it be better for me just to wait til...
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    Should I transplant?

    I'm a week into flowering and this plant seems to need water quite often, leaves are starting to curl down too. They are under a 600W HPS and I just recently moved it up a few inches cause it was getting pretty hot down there. Do you think this pot is ok til harvest?
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    Soil not retaining water

    Hello, What can you do when you water a plant and the water seems to just drain right through the soil? I do let it get a little too dry sometimes, which I am working on. The problem is when I water it it seems like most of the water just drains right out the bottom of the pot..
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    Is this a dude??

    Hey all, I've had these in veg for about 1.5 months, have 2 confirmed females but not sure about this one. I just flipped them over to 12/12 today so I want to figure out if this is a male asap so that I can act accordingly :twisted:
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    Normal for clones?

    Hey everybody, Took these clones about 4 days ago. First time trying to clone. I have them in a humidity dome, I spray the dome 2-3 times a day with water to get the humidity up and to give them some fresh air. They also have a heating pad under the dome. They are in soil with no extra nutes...
  12. B

    Leaves twisting

    Hey, I have just fed my babies with a low dose of Open Sesame (1/2 tsp in 2 G of water) and when I got up this morning my future mother looked like this. PH of the water was 6.5. My first thoughts are that I overfed but I don't see any signs of burning. I'm thinking about flushing but thought...
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    Are these preflowers?

    Hello I am just wondering if someone could tell me whether or not these are preflowers and if it would be possible to sex these plants or are they too young?
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    Is this plant root bound?

    I'm not sure what to thing the issue is with this plant the leaves are kinda droopy and the bottom leaves are yellow. I just fed them some nutes to see if that will help but the rest of them look healthy... How can I tell if this plant is root bound? The pots have a few holes on the bottom and...
  15. B

    Do these seedlings look healthy?

    Hey, first grow and thanks to this site and my new favorite seed bank I got 10/10 out of the ground! I'm just wondering if you guys could check and see if they look healthy to you. Do these look underwatered?
  16. B

    Seedling looks healthy, but is it?

    Hello everybody! Long time member first time grower :) I'm wondering if someone could have a look at this for me, all of my other seedlings look ok but there are 2 that have the leaves stuck together. They had the shell of the seed stuck to them so I gently took it off with some tweezers...
  17. B

    Metal Halide burnt??

    I'm just wondering if this is normal wear and tear for a metal halide?? I had it on without the fan for about a half hour and then noticed this. I hope I don't need to buy a new bulb :wall:
  18. B

    New to everything, a few recommendations?

    Hey guys, I'm brand new to this stuff, basically I ended up with a 2 bedroom because I couldn't find a single bedroom where I was moving too. I figured I would turn the second bedroom into a new hobby. :mrgreen: Here are some pics of the room (give it some time): The whole room is about...