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  1. kmoo

    Does anyone know the wattage of a hotbox? Or what transformer to buy to use one in AU

    ok i got my shiny new hot box, then read the leaflet saying i need a step down transformer to take it from 220v we have in aus to 110v they have in US. i bought one and it blew up, so then i went to the store to buy a new one (quite desperately hoping it didn't fry the hot box, i pulled it out...
  2. kmoo

    Anyone got a voucher code for online vape shop?? +REP if ya share :)

    So i'm gonna finally make the vape purchase, was gonna do it a couple months ago but got distracted by pretty things lol but a dude on here gave me an awesome code that gave 20% off was just wondering if anyone had a current one? cheers!
  3. kmoo

    Anyone know Amsterdam seed shops relatively well?? REP ahoy!

    All I can find for amsterdam seeds shops really is the ones you buy via the internet. The couple I found that are in Dam aren't in english. Basically, looking for an actual shop in the dam that anyone knows of that stocks Mr Nice and/or (more specifically) Kong. Even if you could give me...
  4. kmoo

    Kmoo's Blueberry and Trainwreck Coco grow!

    Welcome!!! So day one was last Friday. Seeds arrived from - they made it within 2 weeks of payment so I was quite happy with that. and
  5. kmoo

    Good all round indica (for LST and yield mainly)

    Hey!! Just wanting a pool of opionions lol I've been all sativa focused but want to grow a nice little indica, i want to LST her and get a decent, not massive but decent yield off her. your favourites??
  6. kmoo

    Blue Cheese Seeds

    hey! if anyone comes across blue cheese seeds in stock and not at a ridiculous price could you shoot me the url? need them to ship to aus too. can't find them in stock!! thanks guys :hug:
  7. kmoo

    Tomatoe Growing

    hi, i use A LOT of tomatoes in my cooking and was wondering if someone could give me a basic outline of whats involved doing this hydro. I've currently got seedlings under MH and wandered if tomatoes could be added in with them... and what is good to grow them in? thanks in advance :)
  8. kmoo

    The Science of Sleep

    im watching this movie at the moment - the science of sleep, and at first i was a little apathetic but i've got a lid dropping body rock down on right now and it's trippy as fuck lol that gael dude was cool as shit in the motorcycle diaries
  9. kmoo

    Mumbai Traveller Grow Journal

    Ok so I have this stuff, i've dubbed it mumbai traveller. i love a random grow, it's always interesting to see what comes out of it. so the photo here is of day 1 - i put them in ph neutral water for about 16 hours......
  10. kmoo


    is anyone familiar with this song rudebox? if you're not, i implore you, get it, get yourself up up and away and listen to this song, it's fucking hilarious
  11. kmoo

    Germinating in jiffy blocks

    Hey! I'm still rubbish at searching existing threads, soooo I'm trying out the jiffy blocks for the first time as i've had issues with transplant shock. Just wondering - how long does it usually take for them to crack? I know there are variables but a general idea, and do we want to keep them...
  12. kmoo

    have you ever driven REALLY far......

    ....out of your way while bent, to avoid having to merge onto a motorway? like, you could have taken 15 minutes to get home but you drive like, an hour let's say lol, to avoid having to merge? bongsmilie
  13. kmoo

    Your favourite seed shop?

    hey i need to find some new places to purchase seeds. any recommendations? i'm in aus, so a lot of places wont ship here :( and also chuck down your favourite purchase from the place if you like! tah
  14. kmoo

    I'm stumped!! Pleeeeeease help lol

    hey. on day 21 today, everything was great til a week ago, i overwatered and the leaves drooped so i cut back and they started to come good, then in the past few days they've yellowed and drooped again. i'd say area is approx 4x4f got a fan on and a 400w HPS. Ph is normal and they get neutral...
  15. kmoo

    Ultimate Playlist!!!!

    i have got my SUPER high on right now and i need to make a cd. can a bunch of you tell me your absolute favourite song to chill to when yer nice and bendy and i will download and burn. mwa My addition has to be space oddity.
  16. kmoo

    honey oil in australia

    just in case anyone else in oz finds themself stuck for butane to make oil here i thought i'd share that we found ventti today, and it seems to have worked really well. got it from one of those little cignal smoke shops, but i also saw a decent one of another brand in mr minute in the city the...
  17. kmoo

    the saddest day

    right, i'm ages away from my harvest and i've officially run out of weed. everyone i know is dry, i just had my last bong and i'm lamenting. it's not really a thread as such, i just figured it would be a good place to publicly share my demise lol
  18. kmoo

    Pruning, yes or no?

    from doing some reading i've come across really mixed opinions on pruning. based on my crop though, especially compared to some of the beautiful photos i've seen on here of super bud, i think i need to do it. what do we think about pruning? and if i do it, what are the rules of thumb to go by...
  19. kmoo

    When do we sex?

    sooo, what stage do most people, or what stage are most people able to sex the plants? i was truly rubbish at this last grow. i know that the males get the little balls, and the chicks get little pistil things but i'm not good at spotting them. mwa :weed:
  20. kmoo

    Best germination method

    :weed: Hi!! I'm about to germinate my second batch and I'm just wanting some opinions on the best ways of doing this. I had a few hiccups with the old paper towel method last time, i tried the leaving them in water for a couple of days and it worked really well but something seems off about...