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  1. 46and2

    Favorite Movie Clips

    Hey everyone, how about posting clips from some of your favorite movies.It can be anything,but being as I'm pretty medicated right now:bigjoint: I'll start it off with one of my favorites of all time . FmHOteBVqKI
  2. 46and2

    What's your thoughts?

    I'm a old bastard and I've been around awhile,and one thing I've seen and read on here numerous times.Is that alot of individuals seem to get caught up with is brand names,never smoking it,but have went on reputation and word of mouth. Don't get me wrong,I've considered purchasing...
  3. 46and2

    For you old timers

    I'm not as up on these new strain names as alot of you guys,but this is a question for some old bastards like me. Back in the late 70's early 80's one of my favorite smoke's was what we called Santa Marta,Punta rojas,or just Columbian Red bud My question is ,Is there anyone or any seedbanks...
  4. 46and2

    Just saying hello

    Just wanted to say hello been on here lurking for awhile, reading alot of post just trying to get a feel for the place . I've found you can do alot more educating yourself reading more so than talking and when I have a few questions I'll post.