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  1. Mr ADHD

    Bonnaroo 2015

    Anyone else going?
  2. Mr ADHD

    LSD Abuse!

    At least that's what I've been accused of. A good friend was kind enough to bring me a ten strip last month, of which I had 5 hits left. Two weeks ago I got really baked on some killer bho and decided I needed to relocate my Lucy stash so I wouldn't be so tempted by the site of it. Here it is 2...
  3. Mr ADHD

    I survived partying with Rory

    Twice now actually :D I wanted to make this post as a way to say hi to my HS family, and share a few trip story's. Sorry I haven't been around much lately, moving sucks! Having Rory come to your new house to celebrate his bday however, is a blast! Anyways, I just wanted to say hello and...
  4. Mr ADHD

    So what's the strangest way you have ever consumed LSD?

    I'm getting ready for my biggest dose to date, and I just keep laughing at how I'm going to be consuming it. "The Bagel of DOOM!" At least that's what I decided to call it when it was given to me last month lol. Basically I have a 2 inch piece of bagel that was dropped with about 900 mics of...
  5. Mr ADHD

    LSD and 2CB

    I was going to post a trip report from last night's fun with 2 hits of Lucy and 22mg of bees, but I'm still trying to process it all. Let me just say that the combination is incredible! The open and closed eye visuals are very impressive, but not overwhelming. Definitely worth trying! Sent...
  6. Mr ADHD

    What if coffee were like ObamaCare?

    Just because I don't support our current president doesn't make me a far right republican... I am actually a registered member of the Libertarian Party. with that out of the way, this made my morning:
  7. Mr ADHD

    A new respect for the dead

    I had a very interesting and moving emotional experience on LSD last night.... Let me give a little back story first: If your squeamish this may bother you a little. In August of 2010 I was almost killed in an auto accident. Fortunately no one else was hurt ( guy merged into my fender on a 65...
  8. Mr ADHD

    Mmmm beer....

    I ended up getting 2 of those 'Mr Beer' home brewing kits for christmas. Pretty funny that my gf and my father both bought me the same thing. Anyone ever use one? I made beer once about 5 years ago with an 'Ale Pail' bucket kit and it was a pain in the ass, was pretty tasty though...
  9. Mr ADHD

    Bombs away! Lucy here I come...

    I've been trying to meet Lucy for a long time now. A friend was kind enough to give me a blotter of white fluff, so that I could finally experience the bliss of L. This friend is quite experienced, and assured me this was some very clean acid. I put the blotter under my tongue about 15 minutes...
  10. Mr ADHD

    binaural stimulation

    Anyone else have any experience with using binaural stimulation? About 4 years ago I was playing around with one of those "doser" programs. I found that If I lay down in a dark room with my headphones on and just focused on the sound that I would indeed feel a 'buzzed' feeling that would last...
  11. Mr ADHD

    opiate hangover

    Anyone get a headache after a night of nodding? I had a very blissful night over the weekend, but woke up with a killer headache. I wouldn't blame dehydration, since I was drinking water all night.
  12. Mr ADHD

    Wheres my damn cookie?

    When I joined this forum in 2009 I thought the HS section was the dark side of the forum and stayed away from it. I've come to realize that some of the most mature members can be found in this section. There are so many spiritual people here who are willing to share there own life experiences...
  13. Mr ADHD

    WTF... have you seen bitcoin prices?

    Holy crap 2 hours ago it was $720! Last time I checked the rate was shortly before SR closed and it was $105...
  14. Mr ADHD

    Now I understand

    I'm sure some of you are familiar with my accounts of trying magic truffles over the last month or so. I finally had a strong trip on Saturday night. I ate 15g of Atlantis truffles about 45 minutes after a normal dinner. With in about 15 minutes some pretty bad anxiety started building up. I...
  15. Mr ADHD

    You know its going to be a good night when....

    You open your mailbox and find a discrete white envelope containing this:
  16. Mr ADHD

    question on sclorotia (truffle) dosing

    I ordered another batch of truffles, they should be here by Saturday :p This time I went with the Atlantis and Pajaritos strains, 30g of each. As before the recommended dosage is 15g. I'm curious of if and how much one should adjust the dosage for body mass? For example: I'm 5'11" 250 pounds...
  17. Mr ADHD

    I found the jackpot on magic truffle/sclorotia information!

    I take no credit for this. I found this on an Amsterdam smart shop forum while searching for dosage information. This answered all my questions and then some: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles Posted: 2009-11-05, 6:28 pm Aldebran Linkbat Supporting Member Posts...
  18. Mr ADHD

    Gonna try out the truffles again tonight

    The gf and I are going to try round 2 of the truffles tonight. I'ts been 5 days, since we tried them. I was going to wait a week, but I'm going to be out of town for work all week. I know I shouldn't really trip more then twice a month, but apparently fresh truffles have a very short shelf life...
  19. Mr ADHD

    Just got my truffles, getting ready for 1st trip

    I just got my truffles from trufflemagic. They arived in a plain whiter paper envelope with no return address in 5 days including Sunday, SUPER FAST shipping. I only have one problem, they aren't labeled lol. I ordered 3 packs of hollandia and 1 pack of mexicana. I was going to split the...
  20. Mr ADHD

    We have purple

    When I updated my auto purple grow journal yesterday I just couldn't get a good picture of the purple calyxes on my smaller plant. I managed to take this pic late last night. This is actually the runt, the larger plant isn't showing any purple unfortunately. edit: I dont know why it always...