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  1. B

    Hermaphrodite Crop?

    Is it possible to get a relatively seedless crop from a hermaphrodite plant if you are able to remove the male pollen sacks before they mature or open? Granted the plant was female to start with of course. And if you don't mind me asking, Do you know from experience or research?
  2. B

    Hermaphrodite Surgery/Salvage

    Ok here is the deal, im wondering if a plant which has flowered as female and then turned hermie (sacks and bannana pods) can be salvaged. If it were moved and isolated and the hermie pods (granted the process would have to be thorough) removed will there be a salvageable crop? Anyone have an...
  3. B

    Help is this a Hermie?? (pics)

    I have a female plant for sure but im kida worried its a hermaphrodite, can anyone help??
  4. B

    Leaves Eaten Small Flies.. Pics

    Not sure what kind of insect this is but it is eating my leaves! Help, anyone know a safe solution? Here are some pictures..