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  1. yanndogg

    HELP!!!!! leaves getting copper brown/yellow spots on them,in an aerogrow

    Im currently using a aerogrow classic,i have 2 gunja plants in there along with some garlic and oregano,1 gunja plant is slowly getting yellow/copper coloured spots on the leaves,slowly drying out,please help with this.i dont know what setting to put the aerogrow on (saladgreens or herbs)...
  2. yanndogg

    HELP!!!!! leaves getting copper brown/yellow spots on them,in an aerogrow

    im currently using a aerogrow classic,i have 2 gunja plants in there along with some garlic and oregano,1 gunja plant is slowly getting yellow/copper coloured spots on the leaves,slowly drying out,please help with this.i dont know what setting to put the aerogrow on (saladgreens or herbs)...