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  1. go0odstuff

    Purple leaves at bud sites? 20days in flowering

    Not sure if this is a deficiency or not. The plants are velvet pies.. Some info plzz
  2. go0odstuff

    organic in flowering stage with yellow vein leaves pics!

    What can this be? My plants need watering everyday now.. so on the third days ill water it with my brew and the other days distilled watered. its in its 3rd week flowering. what is this and how can i fix it? what should i do?? this pic is not my plant but it looks exactly like that...
  3. go0odstuff

    How to get bigger nugs?!

    Hello fellow smokers and tokers.. =) I, currently in my flowering stage 3 1/2 weeks and its looking mighty fine.. its about 2-3 finger big kolas. and i was wondering is there anything else i can do to boost it up and make it humongous colas!! I am currently using my own brew (compost tea) and...
  4. go0odstuff

    solar powered generator!!

    Hey all.. yea today I was token some of that bob marley and out of no where it just hit me and my mind started racing all these ideas and visuals and my brain just nutted.. I should build a solar power generator for my grow room and cut my cost.. I am a genius, pure fucckin genius and i love you...