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  1. Boricua Grower

    Hows she looking

    I need a little advice i wanna know if their looking good or not
  2. Boricua Grower

    Miracle Grow

    I was wondering if i use miracle grow will it affect my plants positively or negatively or will it give it chemicals that will make the buds toxic?bongsmilie:bigjoint::weed::leaf:
  3. Boricua Grower

    How is she looking?

    I wanna know if shes looking good or not looking good at all.
  4. Boricua Grower

    100watt or a 13watt

    I really dont know witch light to use because i was reading about the type of light to use for seeds but i want them to grow quick so can experienced growers please help me!!!!! O and right now im useing the flurecent light (the one on the left) and i dont know if i should switch it to the...
  5. Boricua Grower

    How long does it take?

    How long does it take for chronic seeds to grow?:bigjoint::leaf:
  6. Boricua Grower


    I jus started growing my weed plant its about 2 weeks old and i wanted 2 know how meany times i should water it a day and how far i should set up a lamp 4 it
  7. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    How long do you think it will take to grow:confused:
  8. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    How Can I Make My Weed Plants Grow Small I Dont Want Dem 2 Be Like 20 Feet Tall I Want Dem 2 Be Like 2-3 Feet Tall plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigjoint:
  9. Boricua Grower

    Super Slow Growing Weed Plant

    I need help! I got some great soil for my weed plants that im growing. my mom caught me so i moved them outside feeding them once @ 6:00am agein @ 12:00pm and agein @ 6:00pm. but theyr growing really slow ive been growing them 4 about 2 weeks and this is wat they look like. :twisted: can enyone...