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    Let Me Know What You Think

    6 weeks flowering. Humboldt Nutes, Co2, 1k watt Hps Strain is mostly sativa

    Ffof soil ph 5.2! Help

    Just got back from vacation and some of my plants looked like they had severe cal/mag def. I flushed and measured the run-off and it's 5.2 on 10 of my plants. Will adding some fast acting dolomite save them ? Never had this happen before so any help is appreciated! Thanks Plants are 3 weeks...

    Rocklock 400w Bubbleponics Grow

    Hey guys I took forever to get some pics up but here they are! I'm not sure exactly how long i've been flowering these but it's not more then 5 weeks...I'm using floranova series for nutes

    Blue Cheese Bubbleponics *My first time in water

    I'm finally starting this up since i'm at 25 days into flowering....Should be a little more exciting for everyone at this stage.This is my first time growing hydro..Plants were vegged for 21 days at 18/6 Starting flowering when they were around 12 inches tall....Now the biggest is well over...

    Help with GH Nutes (Flowering)

    Hey guys I have 4 blue cheese (fem) flowering in a bubbleponics system and they are about 10 days in...>Can anybody give me a good ratio of nutes per gallon? I'm using GH Flora series with GH Floralicious Bloom.....I followed the chart from Gh website and my ppms are only at like 500 which seems...