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  1. RuchaYolanda

    Lollipopping/Pruning Help

    Soil 3 Gallon Smart pots Indoor (shower stall) 400 watt MH/HPS conversion So I just finished what was probably my 8th grow. I've had this problem with every grow - but it seemed to be at it's worst this last time. I've got all this lower growth that doesn't get light - I end up with alot of...
  2. RuchaYolanda

    Sativa Harvest Time?

    Strain: Strawberry Cough (mostly Sativa) and 1 Sour Cream (mostly Sativa) Soil with Fox Farm Nutes 400 watt HPS So...this is my first Sativa Grow. I read in one of my books that, in order to take advantage of the Sativa properties, you should harvest before a few clear and...
  3. RuchaYolanda

    Liquid Karma = Liquid Death? I got suckered into buying an AN product...Liquid Karma. It has so far managed to kill everything I've used it on with Nitrogen excess. NPK is .1 .1 .5.... I'm throwing it away! I've managed to now kill or almost kill a plant in every stage of growth with it. I never had a problem...
  4. RuchaYolanda

    Typhoon causing havoc with my tree!

    Shit...we are in the middle of a Japanese Typhoon here in the East Bay of Cali. My backyard tree was tied off pretty well...I even duct taped the big branches to the main trunk over the weekend in preparation. It's just that the secondary branches are so heavy with rain...they are bending...
  5. RuchaYolanda

    Introducing....Marcia and Penelope

    So...this is my first mj grow...but I've been a gardener since I was a kid. I started with 10 early misty seeds. One is outdoors and HUGE but not flowering due to long daylight hours. Of the other 9 - 7 were male. These are the 2 females (obviously). They went into 12/12 on June 29th...
  6. RuchaYolanda

    More Sex Pictures

    Please confirm the sex of these plants before I destroy them. The pics are of two plants...two pics of each. thanks
  7. RuchaYolanda!!!!

    Please take a look at these pictures and tell me....boy or girl. Thanks YO
  8. RuchaYolanda

    Time to start flowering....

    (9) Early Misty Plants Lighting: 400wt MH Soil: Professional nursery mix/Black Gold Organic Nutes: Silica Blast, Superthrive, Nirvana and Grow Big Foliar: Seltzer water every other day my plants got off to a really slow start. I actually sprouted them around the 2nd week of May. In...
  9. RuchaYolanda

    My Girls

    So...I have 9 Early Misty growing under a 400 watt MH. I also have 1 early misty growing outside that is twice the size of these. They were started in early May with sunlight during the day and (8) 26 watt Daylight CFL's and (1) small UV CFL at night. I think the constant moving, mixed spectrums...
  10. RuchaYolanda

    Newbie Tip: Bug Monitoring outside vegetable garden has a mild infestation of white flies. I was worried they would get into my inside MJ garden either by hitching a ride on me or via the ventilation. Tip: I bought a package of white fly/aphid sticky traps and put 2 on stakes made out of chopstix in my growroom...
  11. RuchaYolanda

    Plan B - Indoor Grow

    OK. Started a really good outdoor grow but have to switch to an indoor grow. My plants are 10 healthy 4-5 inch indica hybrids currently vegging. And...we are card carrying medical marijuana patients - so the only stealth I'm concerned about is that which keeps pesky neighbors from harvesting...
  12. RuchaYolanda

    Busted...Plan B?

    Ohhhhh Jeez: So...I have ten small vegging indica plants. Each are 4-5 inches tall and in 5 inch peat pots. I've been taking them outside for sun everyday...about 6-7 hours of good direct sun. My plan was to transplant them to 5 gallon smart pots when they outgrow the peat pots and leave...
  13. RuchaYolanda

    Newbie help...started indoor - moved outdoor

    Hi Guys...little help, please? I started some indica hybrid seeds in an eggcarton (bad advice). I realized the mistake and transplanted them to 5 inch peat pots after about 2 weeks of good growth. The transplant went well - I thought. The 2 weeks in the egg carton, they were under CFLs -...