Search results

  1. anthonygj

    400w MH & HPS - Plants Per Light/Yield?

    Wuddup RIU. I have a very simple yet complicated question i have been searching for but can't find a STR8 answer. Would it be sufficient to have 8 Plants under a 400w HPS and of course the MH is for the vegging.?.? Also wether i could or not how much would my yield be for a 400w hps? I know...
  2. anthonygj

    Semi-Stealth 230w CFL Grow Grow Journal

    This is my second grow but this time it's inside with CFL's. I am using Miracle grow moisture control as my soil until i can afford some better stuff. I know my box is not stealthy looking that's why i put SEMI lol. i am using 230w of CFL all 23w each which total to 10. couple are daylight...
  3. anthonygj

    Stem browning from bottom up

    to start off ill take pics tommorrow. the plant is about 4-4.5ft tall and at the very bottom of the stem it is brown. i transplanted it awhile back maybe like a month ago in the ground into some clayish dirt but i used a tiller to break it up....ive been watering it with water from a nearby...
  4. anthonygj

    harvest early as possible

    hey community, it doesnt really matter the high i get cerebral high or body buzz i want to harvest as early as possible and hairs are about 50% brown and i kno u dont go by hairs u go by trich's but i want a fabulous high aswell as an early harvest can i harvest now??
  5. anthonygj

    didnt wake up in time

    i have my plant on a 12/12 schedule around 7:30am-7:30pm butsometimes i wake up like 30 minutes late....but today my plant has gottin 14-15 hours of darkness because i slept like a rock is this going to affect my plant or continue on the same schedule??
  6. anthonygj

    ortho pesticide

    i bought this pesticide and i want to know if it will kill my plants...Find Ortho Max Bug-B-Gon Insect Killer, 24 oz and other Lawn Insect Control at Aubuchon Hardware
  7. anthonygj

    *BagSeeD Grow Under Da Sun*

    What's going on fellaz? This is my first grow and i have 2 new seedlings that just made their way out of the shell in about 1 week from germination 2 now. As the title states it is an unknown strain from the same bag. i have no nutes as of now but i do own a baby snake and i would like to know...
  8. anthonygj

    HELP..weed smells like grass/hay

    i did do a search on this subject but i have my own personal questions 1 which is i just bought 2 OZ's from my mans and the weed smells like grass/hay but it smokes pretty good and i get a pretty nice high. would curing it for a little longer make any difference not only in smell but in the THC...