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  1. J

    success with a certian amount of 3gal 3ft veg plants thatll be flowered under 2000w

    My conditions in my 10x10x10 double insulated, heavy duty 13,000btu ac'd grow room are the best ive been able to create so far, i can get the temp anywhere between 64-80 degrees while achieving a good consistent humidity level. i am using 2x 1000w hortilux eye bulbs with rather large...
  2. J

    little red bugs... couple questions

    Thoes little red bugs... i see and smush about four a day in my veg room.... but one time a lil red guy came out from in the dirt running up the stem of my haze and it worried me.. they are outside and around but im not sure how they got in. a fair share little tiny black flies (but dont seem to...