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  1. stringtheory

    Flowering Plants Way too Big

    So basically I'm a week into flower and my plants are way too big. This photo is from a few days ago and they are now easily 4 inches taller hitting the lights when they are raised to the top of the room. They will reach 7 feet if I'm not careful with this. How would you manage their height...
  2. stringtheory

    Dehumidifier causing serious issues in closed grow

    When constructing a medical grow we decided to go with a closed room setup. Read up a lot, asked a lot of questions but in the end designed an excellent room. Unfortunately due to time restraints we were not able to dial equipment in before moving in our genetics. So one week goes by and...
  3. stringtheory

    2600 PPM for C02 when lights are out

    So even with the C02 set at 1300 ppms, when the lights go out on our closed room many a nights the ppm slowly rises up to 2600. At first I was scared but went in the next morning and things appear to be just fine. Are there any toxicity issues or inadvertent stresses I should be worried about...
  4. stringtheory

    Root Bound in Flowering

    Weighing out the pros and cons in the transplant of root bound plants 1 week into flower. Only issue is they have already undergone a great deal of stress with environmental upsets. We intended SOG but we were forced to dial in our closed room with all our plants causing serious stress and...
  5. stringtheory

    Root Bound Issues in Flowering

    Weighing out the pros and cons in the transplant of root bound plants 1 week into flower. Only issue is they have already undergone a great deal of stress with environmental upsets. We intended SOG but we were forced to dial in our closed room with all our plants causing serious stress and then...
  6. stringtheory

    Cloning the topping of a plant?

    I've never been one to top a plant, but I recieved some free Thai Skunk seeds from Attitude and threw two in soil and they took off. None the less they outgrew the other 4 strains and I'm tired of raising my light every three days. So I will try topping these for a trial run and see how I like...
  7. stringtheory

    Germination with root plug issue

    hey everyone having a few problems with my first grow from seed right from the get go. Dropped 2 The Church from GH Seeds, 2 Red Diesel from Barneys and 3 G13 Thai Skunk 2 1/2 days ago (6:00pm April 15th). Tried out the root plug method for germinating after a recomendation from a local hydro...
  8. stringtheory

    Arizona Pastor Beaten and Tasered By Border Patrol

    "This is Pastor Andersons story of recently being beaten and tased by boarder patrol when he was stopped at a checkpoint. He tried to claim his right to not be searched without a warrant and was detained and then given a vicious beating. "...
  9. stringtheory

    Local hydroponic store misinformation? Exhaust and Germination methods

    Went to a hydroponic store yesterday and purchased a 76"x76"x76" grow tent with a Carbon Fliter 18"x 9.5" . Was discussing venting methods and he said I will not need to have a fan pushing air inside the tent from the surrounding room. He said I will only need to exhaust the air from the...
  10. stringtheory

    The End of America by Naimi Wolf

    This film does such an excellent job explaining how history repeats itself and goes into detail on how America has changed in the past 20 years. We are absolutely living in a police state yet somehow the majority of the population fail to see this. It is only one hour long and does a wonderful...
  11. stringtheory

    Apartment Inspection Troubles / How To Hide Your Grow

    There has been a ton of talk on here for apartment grows. Apparently you can still be kicked out of your housing if an inspection finds your legal garden. This is even more of a problem if they find an illegal garden. Thus leaving you to either resorting to stealth which can be quite limiting or...