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  1. firstimegrwr

    Pics of harvest

    pics range from 6 weeks till harvest ...she's been growing since last may from seed through 2 harvests 2 veg cycles of 4 weeks each first flower was 14 weeks second was 9 weeks. Close to 4 oz from both harvests not including the ones I plucked early for the mrs
  2. firstimegrwr

    Second Time Budding........sensimilla started seeding

    Has anyone revegged a plant? After partial harvesting? I took one of my girls from the first grow and after 4 weeks veg(18/6) 14 weeks (12/12) I cut the main bud off and some of the larger buds. Placed her back under (18/6) for another 4 weeks she bushed out like crazy. She is now in 9th...
  3. firstimegrwr

    Noob ? about re vegging

    Currently I have 4 ladies growing strong in 8th week flowering colas and side buds forming nicely on top..... My question is how many times can I re veg plants? plants where vegged for 4 weeks under T12 flourecent reached about 10 inches tall then started on 12/12 currently they are about 3 ft...
  4. firstimegrwr

    Male female or hermi

    from these pics can someone let me know the sex?
  5. firstimegrwr

    looking 4 Recomendation for seed purchase?

    I'm looking to purchase some seeds but after a few hours scanning through the different sites . My eyes are getting blurred and not from being high. :cry: I'm looking to grow some smoke :joint: that has almost a hallucinogen high. Something that stays short under 4 ft without doing scrog...
  6. firstimegrwr

    Can you tell the sex?

    I was wondering if you can tell the sex of a plant by the number of leaves at or near the top of the plant? or do all plants eventualy have the same number in leave paterns?Just a dumb noob question
  7. firstimegrwr

    New pics 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old 3 days of 12/12 need to sex them before I move in 2 weeks
  8. firstimegrwr

    Second Try at growing

    First Grow Started with 5 bag seeds. All took only 1 took strong. Second week under 12/12 showed his balls ripped it out. The other 4 sorta lacked in healthyness and are still growing but slow...... 2 weeks ago started second...