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  1. N

    help fellow growers

    ok im being tortured by the brown root thing. i have an aerflo2 60 site setup going in a basement. the water in res has a fish tank heater in it set to 70 the room itself can get sorta cold after lights go off. that is the only thing that i think that could be causing this brown root thingy. my...
  2. N

    leaf curl check this out

    hey all just wanted what everyone has to say about my curled leafs some plants are fine some have the curl they are lowrider2 week 4 in my aeroflofrom seed growth seems fair nutes at 1260 ph 5.6-5.8 temps in res 68-72 i use 3 part nutes with florilisious spelt wrong sorry any info will help...
  3. N

    check out my lowrider 1500watt aeroflo 60

    hey guys/gals hopin to get some info on my grow. notice in my pics the lower leaves on my plants have these rustic color spots it only seems to be on lower leaves. all new groth is good i had them in a 600 ppm nutrient mix for the first week and a half. i am now at 3 weeks they are auto...
  4. N

    lowrider2 aeroflo 60 here we grow

    ok so im going to attemp hydro my room is 8 by 8 basement northeast temps so its good for res temps although i have a fish tank heater in there to make sure temps dont go below 64 so i started from seed since u cant clone lowrider and will have to boot the males when they show sex i took pic of...