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  1. M

    First time drinking/drunk? first time drunk and high?

    my first time i drank it was some very light brown very watery stuff i think that was beer when i was like 14, probably not beer tho. second time, if this counts, was eating some chicken that was cooked with wine at olive garden, the chicken vino bianto or something, i was maybe 15. (btw that...
  2. M

    who believes nsa monitors you constantly

    like echelon, or all that stuff on enemy of the state/eagle eye/etc. who all believes things like that are true and go on? i do, but i dont stare into my webcam wondering if whoever will watch my records will be a dude or a babe. discuss. btw im 21, male, dontgiveashitaboutpoliticsarian...
  3. M

    I just smoked 12 hours ago and im in so much pain

    Ok first i smoked half a gram of some ghetto weed (mids) and towards the end of the joint i had to struggle to finish it, after smoking the last bit i litterally collapsed onto the floor and the last thing i wanted to do was move even a little. my head and body felt so heavy and i had lost all...
  4. M

    Ladies you think im hot when high? rate me 1-10

    1 being ugliest stoned guy uve ever seen and 10 being the best looking. dont think all philosophically and be like "well one can never be a 10 because there is no such thing as perfect beauty" dont think, just rate. guys can too and yes im indian but my eyes are that dark blue color naturally...
  5. M

    Is energy being created here?

    mirrors reflect light and light source 1 with x energy is reflected by the mirror which uses some of that energy to create a double of that light source and thus creating light source y. is light being created? look at the pics PHYSICS IS BROKEN. LOOK TOWARDS THE SKY IF U CAN SPOT THE TEAR IN...
  6. M

    Are international embargos and sanctions immoral?

    according to classical theories of morality where what is good for ones fellow man is moral and what harms ones fellow man is immoral...wouldnt economic/aid sanctions imposed by nations on other nations be immoral simply because they harm the people of that nation by causing famine, suffering...
  7. M

    whats the easiest 2 grow cereberal "high" strain

    well im looking for a cereberal and "high" "mellow" and "sociable" strain. should make the body feel good but no couchlock. Also it should be easy to grow for a first time indoor closet grower, have a decent thick bud yield with a sold 3 month seedling to harvest period and an "in ur head" soft...
  8. M

    why are joint, pipe, and water/ice bong highs different?

    well? why is the high different between those? with a joint i get the most heavy high. with a little water pipe i get a softer more mellow high. with a big water/ice bong i get an extremely mellow chill high. is there any way to get the heavy hitting high of a joint with the smoothness of an...
  9. M

    the hands down best drug combo ever

    1mg xanax drank with 2 shots 80proof vodka mixed in with ur favorite drink. then smoke a good strong sativa like white widow, snort another 1mg xanax and take 4 more shots of 80 proof vodka (the painkilling effects of the weed make it go down like water). then take 10mg vicodin or percocet...
  10. M

    1 week old bagseed plant yellowing...

    i use a 20watt 5000k CFL about 2 inches above the plant since its so young i dont think i need to slam 5k lumens on it right? anyways, 2 days after germination the end of the left part of the leaf went missing, i dunno how. but now its been 1 week and i notice some yellowing on the top part of...
  11. M

    Attitude seed bank- sensi vs seedsman

    Ok i know sensi seeds is super duper top world class quality seeds but im on a budget and 10 northern lights seeds from sensi is $160 but 10 from seedsman is only $40. with such a huge price difference my gut is telling me that the quality might be off with one and whether or not i should go...
  12. M

    Most fun recently released games to play while stoned?

    deadspace and prototype for me. doesnt require too much thinking, and lots of colors and action and wierdness to keep my baked brain entertained :-P
  13. M

    What is the easiest way to add CO2 to my growcloset

    ive heard yeast can do it but where do i buy it and what kind of yeast and how is it prepared and how should i set it up to make sure my plant takes up as much co2 as it can instead of it escaping into the air. pls help cus my grow closet temp is mid 80s also how effective is carbonated water...
  14. M

    Using a 3liter block of ice to cool my growroom

    so i have 4 3liter empty coke bottles that i filled with water and have left in a freezer for several days and now they are rock solid cold. my closet room even with CFLs and a fan still gets to high 70s or 80s and i would like to drop it down further to high 60s at least. would positioning...
  15. M

    5 plants ive grown over the months.....

    and none of them made it past the germination stage. pretty much as soon as the two leaves poked out of the soil one of the leaves startted rotting off or fell of or something. this one that just germinated was perfectly fine, then i leave for a few hours and come back, and its like someone cut...
  16. M

    A bagseed i want to grow in 12/12 from the start...

    i was wondering what yield i should expect from a bagseed that is grown under 12/12 for a month as soon as it pops its head out from under the soil. just as an experiment.
  17. M

    2 plants grown, both lost primary leaves HELP PLS

    Ok ive never even gotten past the seedling stage with my growing. I grew a white widow plant once, and once the 2 round primary leaves grew and the serrated leaves began to grow all of a sudden 1 of the serrated leaves and 1 of the round leaves died. i thought it was a bug, but then later i...
  18. M

    do mirrors multiply total lumens? physics broken

    like say i have a 5000lumen generating bulb. if i use a mirror to reflect 100% of its light then i am effectively doubling the brightness in the room because the reflection gives off light also. maybe not 100% but even if its just 1% then havent i broken a law of thermodynamics that i cant...
  19. M

    Is window lighting enough for first few weeks?

    well i have a 150watt hps but its hot as hell down here and dont want to start using it until i have to. but my bagseed i planted just germinated, is it ok to let it sit by my window for the first week or 2 and let it use the sunlight? cus i heard after they germinate and are still small they...
  20. M

    Using an ice cube(s) for watering after first sprout?

    i live in the south east and its hot down here plus i have an 150watt HPS light so the temp hovers between 80-90, or 90-95 (in my grow closet) on especially hot days which are yet to come. this is a beginning grow that im growing from a random bagseed, i planted it 2 days ago and it has already...