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    I Found this Growing in My Flower Bed. Is It a Marijuana Plant?

    I was just out doing some trimming around my landscaping and came across this plant. It's leaves stuck out to me as being very similar to a marijuana plant. Is it? I'm looking and trying to compare to online pictures and it seems to be. How is this possible? I didn't plant any seeds or...
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    finally got my best friend high last night - effects he noticed - sound familiar?

    So a friend of mine never smokes weed, but about two weeks ago he tried about three hits of some AK47 I had. He got more "intense" staring at people and shit, had some facial tingling, but it wasn't an intense high. So last night he smoked some BC Blueberry. He took three hits from the bong...
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    Weed withdrawl lonleliness...

    I smoked up the last of my weed and now need to clean out my system for possible upcoming pre employment drug testing... I have always had sleep problems when quitting, but this time I have a really empty feeling. Smoking has been my best friend through the stress of graduate school, but now...
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    I'm trying to take a break from smoking, but.....

    I bought a half ounce of Purple Kush. It's been great! I got a few grams left, but I was thinking of saving it to smoke on special occasions. I really need to take a break from smoking anyway to get clean for employment tests as I am looking for a part time job to work while going to college...
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    I'm trying to take a break from smoking, but..... (sorry wrong forum)

    I bought a half ounce of Purple Kush. It's been great! I got a few grams left, but I was thinking of saving it to smoke on special occasions. I really need to take a break from smoking anyway to get clean for employment tests as I am looking for a part time job to work while going to college...
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    Sacremental about smoking sessions..

    My first semester of college I took a philosophy course with a professor that always spoke about living in the moment. He also constantly talked about his love of good beer. He attended regional beer judging contests and had a wide collection of very rare beers from around the world that he...
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    accidental post

    please delete this post
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    a laughing high feels so good

    I haven't had a real laughing high in a long while. Usually I just get really relaxed or things seem more interesting. Yesterday though, I went to see the movie "A Serious Man" with a friend of mine. I took like 5 hits of some high quality Purple Kush. I thought the movie was horrible. It...
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    who is the biggest buzz kill?

    One of the worst things in the world is having a nice smoke session, with good herb, only to have someone or something come up that just totally kills the buzz.... One example - unnanounced visits. I don't have a garage, so people see my car and it's not like I can just ingnore the doorbell...
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    smoking just a little bit of weed in the morning makes for a great day...

    I used to be a heavy smoker and now, just recently, I am learning that maybe 3-4 hits in the morning makes me high for like an hour - it also leaves me with a nice relaxed feeling all day long. It also has been saving me a whole lot of money.
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    how would you set up this closet for a grow?

    I have been toying with the idea of doing a grow in my basement for over a year, but now I think I am finally ready to put my thoughts into action. I have enclosed pictures of the closet wherein I would like to do the grow and would like your advice to what you all, as experienced growers...
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    tips for smoking in ur car?

    i love to smoke in my car before going to my school's basketball games, but i'm always worrying about getting caught by campus security my school is kinda remote off a highway and so smoking on campus grounds is the only option because i won't drive after smoking, so.... do u guys have any...
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    can u get kicked out of a movie / resturant / store for being really stoned?

    I always get paranoid when I'm really high with bloodshot eyes that I will get kicked out of places. For example, last night I went to see avatar stoned - my friend said i smelled like weed and my eyes were totally red (no eye drops on me). Have u ever been kicked out of anywhere for being stoned?
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    horrible hangovers

    I got together with friends yesterday and drank about 5-7 beers over about a two hour span. I don't normally drink, but I was with friends and... I woke up this morning feeling like death warmed over. I can't help but think how much better today would have been had I smoked 3 bowls, had the...
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    smoking while doing laundry

    For the past few weeks - every single time I do laundry I feel the urge to smoke a few bowls. It's just so nice to start the washer, smoke a bowl, add the clothes to the washer, smoke another bowl, listen to music/do shit and just hang out in the basement stoned. Late night laundry sessions...
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    do u find it hard to conserve weed? i just smoke it everyday until its gone.

    i have connects that are impossible to deal with sometimes so when i had the chance i bought an ounce of a bc strain called nebula. i was hoping to have a lot to share at a friends birthday party on dec 19 and also enough to share with friends on christmas lol. but i smoked it all up. it is...
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    getting ripped off buying weed / shady dealers

    I got cheated a few times in high school, but then I found a great connect who was expensive, but always had the best shit he claimed was straight from BC. I'm wondering about stories of people being fucking over in a buy. How did you deal with it? I just got cheated through a new connect...
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    would you recommend a particular online lighting store?

    Is there a good strain that is less likely to cause panic attacks for someone that often gets them when smoking?
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    growing in my vegetable garden?

    i have a pretty decent sized vegetable garden area, but it's right next to the fence i'm thinking of growing a few plants in between corn - it would be well hidden, but i'm just nervous of neighbors seeing it threw the fence what do you think?
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    anybody know about jays joints? Are they down?

    I sent in payment a while back and have heard nothing from them. And they are also no longer accepting emails. Every time you try to send mail it gets returned with a failure notice. This is $300 bucks we are talking about here.