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  1. D

    stumbled apon a field of green

    So the other day i was checking out some land that i will be hunting this year and i thought i smelled some grass and next thing i know theres a hole field of it. Close to 100 plants and some were about 12ft tall. I only checked it out for a moment and moved on. I plan on going back and seeing...
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    Harvesting Question

    i am leaving for vacation for two weeks and my 2 females still have all white pistles. If i were to harvest now would it be worthless for smoke? i have nobody to take care of them and i dont know what i should do, any ideas?
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    Any Ideas??

    i am leaving for vacation for two weeks and i dont know what to do with my two females, they only need a few more weeks untill they are ready to sample. They are in a small closet which i have to open throughout the day to air out. Any ideas on what i can do to keep them alive??
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    Quick Question

    How many watts would make a noticable difference on a bill or on the meter?? Would half a dozen cfls make a difference?
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    2 quick questions!

    1. How many weeks or so dose it take for the plants to start smelling? 2. Is it true that just some random seeds out of a bag of mids could produce better buds than what the seeds came from?
  6. D

    Need some help PLEASE

    I just started my first grow closet and i have 7 plants that are a week old. I have four of them in gallon size pots mixed with perlite and then other two small cups still. I am using two cfls, one of them is larger in size than the other. Together they are producing 3000 lumens. I also have a...