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  1. F

    5 1/2 ft tall blueberry with issues

    I have 2 dutch passion blueberries in the same res. They grew up next to eachother like sisters with all the same gh nutes 600 watt hps and one is a week from harvest and looks great.. the other has white hairs everywhere the main cola is 18 inches tall a beast of a plant that a week ago all the...
  2. F

    quick question on auto lowryders

    They same the hieght on the auto flowering plants is short to medium. What is a normal hieght? And what is the averge yield per plant? If you can answer that would really help me decide how many seeds to order thank you!!
  3. F

    help with flood and drain system

    I'm switching from usung bubbleponics to a flood and drain system because bubbleponics is too much water for the roots. Can some body that has used flood and drain tell me a good daily watering and draining schedule.
  4. F

    house-garden roots excellerator

    Any body ever used this product from house and garden called roots excellurator? Just looking for some feed back its a little pricey... thanks
  5. F

    house-garden root excellurator

    Any body ever used this product from house and garden called root excellurator? I read about it in urban garden. Just looking for feed back on it its pricey... thanks
  6. F

    blueberry dying in 4 week of flower

    I have 5 blueberrys in one 18 gallon resivior they are all great but one is dyin and I have done nothing different to it.. all the leaves are turning yellow drooping and then dying and falling off. At first it was just leaves at the bottom and I though that was normal but now its the whole plant...