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  1. bballin420

    LSD bad mix with prozac?

    Me and a buddy are wanting to try some lsd. im in it for a spiritual experience im not sure bout him. Right now i am prescribed 20 mgs of prozac (which i shouldnt even be prescribed to) :neutral: And was wondering if anybody knows if this could be a bad mix with LSD? any help is...
  2. bballin420

    Fox farm grow big SOIL to use in HYDRO?

    I went to mcdanials do it center today and picked up some tiger bloom and some GROW BIG from foxfarm. Unlike the tiger bloom it doesnt say if it can be used for hydro and the store didnt carry any others. the amount of nutes are 6-4-4 Thats way different than the "special" hydro GROW BIG. So...
  3. bballin420

    Fox Farm Nutes

    I am using an aergarden for my grow and fox farm just keeps showin up for nutes. I was wondrin what fox farm nutes to use, and for what stage of growing. thanks for the help :bigjoint:
  4. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    Day one- some seeds have shown their root, some of which are going be grown in the aerogarden, but otherwise the rest which this post is for will be for dirt. i plan on planting in seedling soil tomorow. :leaf: -ballin420 i dont mind if you post responses if necessary.
  5. bballin420

    Aerogrow by ballin420 pics included.

    A while back i decided im guna try growing some pot in the aerogarden instead of just basil. My first try my plants died becuase i added nutes wayyy to soon and they died :sad: so no heres a new generation. This time im not gunna add nutes for 2 weeks or so. I got my camera back from my friend...
  6. bballin420

    Legalization in california (Bill AB 390)

    As many west coast US citizens know, californias assembly man Ammiono has intrudeced the legalization of marijuana for people age 21 and over. also known as bill AB 390 Does anyone know when this vote is taking place? cuz i am totally guna move if this passes :peace: Comment away :bigjoint...
  7. bballin420

    aerogarden grow #1

    I would like to start of by saying hi. i have grown a few times before in dirt and this is my first aerogarden grow. Ive been reading up on this so lets see how it goes. Sorry, but there arent going to be any pics up for 1-3 weeks. I let my friend borrow my camera while hes in hawaii looking for...
  8. bballin420

    Starting an aerogarden grow (help needed)

    Hey everybody out here, im completely new to this place and need some help. I am planning on growing some white widow plants in an aerogarden I bought. I have previously grown weed in soil under lights but when it comes to growing marijuana in a aeroponic system i am clueless. I have grown basil...