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  1. VWFringe

    Link to Change Federal Law turns out there's a couple of bills in congress, we should all visit and sign their petition.
  2. VWFringe

    Do You Think Your Boss Should Get to Vote More Than Once in The Next Election?

    I think this is a valid way to look at the supreme court's decision to allow corporations to donate to campaigns. one person, one vote...keep companies out of it, their only out for themselves, we've seen that now, now is the time to move let's join the movement to amend the United States...
  3. VWFringe

    OMG - They're saying we'll poison children and drive stoned now!

    the "experiment" did nothing to show the public what they really want to know: What would responsible adult use look like, and would it change our culture significantly? but instead of real information they put on a circus, and i wonder why none of the adults chosen to participate did nothing...
  4. VWFringe

    No Gateway Effect - Another Pot Myth Busted?

    there is a lot of talk about marijuana being a gateway drug and I've thought long and hard over my own experience, and find they've gotten it wrong again. i'd like to hear other's experience and see if we can come up with any ideas for how to get the message accross to mainstream society. I...
  5. VWFringe

    No Withdrawl Symptoms - Another Pot Myth Busted?

    I've had to quit two times in the past four months, once for seven days and again two months later for four days. What struck me was that i experienced NO withdrawl symptoms after heavy usage every day. This was very different from the times I've run out over the past couple of years when my...
  6. VWFringe

    Can Outsourcing Be Slowed With This Idea? "Cost of Living Adjustment"

    Please use the links below to write to the President and your Representative ask them to: Please stop the corporations from sending all of our jobs off-shore Please stop the tax incentives that companies get for hiring employees off-shore Please stop their ability to fire people here and...
  7. VWFringe

    Job Loss Numbers - Consumer Spending OR Outsourcing?

    The job numbers were released today, and it was mentioned that apparently consumer spending had pulled back, causing the jobs loss. I want to know how many of them were lost to outsourcing.
  8. VWFringe

    Television Ad Ideas - have Thomas Jefferson/Washington/Lincoln Speak Their Thoughts

    read this on the pot timeline ( an actor dressed like Lincoln speak the letter: December 1840: Abraham Lincoln writes, Prohibition... goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation and makes a crime...
  9. VWFringe

    Letter I Submitted on the "Vote No on Prop 19" Web Site

    I'm so mad, thanks for letting me post this rant...I visited the oppositions website and - how should i distill this question down to its essense? What are they suggesting is going to happen if it's not legalized, and why aren't they talking about it? The way I see it, all these people who are...
  10. VWFringe

    Ghetto Vape 2.0 - glass on glass, up to 450F, $10 Walmart (plus glass)

    I don't know if homemade vaporizer threads are allowed but this idea uses all glass on glass for the vapor path, it's not exactly convection but close, and is so cheap to make that i believe this is the new ghetto vape... re-boot for the next gen gimme a beat mass produced miniature ovens...
  11. VWFringe

    Small Cab with Three 150's - make you laugh

    (note: punchline is last picture)'s okay, i don't mind, you can laugh Please allow me to introduce myself, and my six ladies: picked up six mixed indicas from The People's Nursery in Long Beach. Soil (3 each in two 15 gallon buckets) nutes: botanicare flower power Sorry i don't know...
  12. VWFringe

    Lowes 150 w HPS $8.50!!!

    they're on clearance near me down from $85 to just $8.50 i picked up two, they include a 150 HPS bulb. haven't opened it. appears to be pole mount with light sensor on top and round bell shaped defelctor below (typical old fashioned security light). What a price huh? can't find it on the...
  13. VWFringe

    Stupid Pot Plants! outdoor reveg early flower

    should I harvest this already? the trichomes are ALL BROWN on the leaf material, and all cloudy on the flower material. Western exposure, poor root structure (my fault), 5 hours of full sun. I am just worried I will miss a lot more vegetative growth, and that the buds might fill in...?
  14. VWFringe

    What's Wrong With My Plants?

    bought 2 weeks ago in Long Beach (GDP or Purple Kush grown in oasis medium) Scotts potting soil w/nutes CFL's: 4x 26W and 1x 42W 2600k (first few days home only 3x 26W) 18/6 VERY slow veg, not getting any taller, stipules showing note: I've done some reading - are they in shock? wrong...